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room equipped with X-ray appa–
No bones were broken,
ust a very
severe sprain, but a severe sprain, 1
found, can be a
1 was retumed to my hotel
suite in the ambulance after the foot
was wrapped in bandages. Soon a
wheelchair and a pair of crutches
arrived at my room.
Fortunately for me, since 1 have
been literally imprisoned here for a
week - so far - they provided me
with what 1 suppose is the presiden–
tia!' suite. It contains one fairly
PLAIN TRUTH February 1977
large, L-shaped living room with a
guest bedroom and large bedroom
with two bathrooms, one with tub
only and the other with shower.
But, even though I was unable to
carry on with the heavy schedule,
Messrs. Rader and Fahey, along
witl) others from the Johannesburg
office, have tried to carry out much
of the planned schedule for me,
leaving one of the other men to be
day and night in my hotel
1 have done what 1 could. Unable
to travel and carry on the arduous
speaking engagements, I have made
the best of the time to
I have
sent in seven or eight articles for
The Plain Truth,
besjde co-worker
letters, getting caught up on my
On this trip we left Van Nuys
Airport in Californja, home base for
our G-Il jet aircraft, at 7:05 p.m.
Thursday, October 21 , for an over–
night flight to Rome, arriving there
at 8:17, Pasadena time, that is,
Friday morning - only by Rome
time it was already 5: 17 in the eve–
ning. On the flight 1 had managed
Prime Minister
Maphevu Dlamini of Swaziland greets
Mr. Armstrong (above). Mr. Arm–
strong and King Sobhuza converse
during the audience at the royal
palace (left).