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Fahey, Sitttng next to the pulpit,
rose and started to move backwards
so 1 could walk in front of him to
my. seat in the middle. So without
thinking I started to walk around
behind him. 1 guess it seemed at the
instant impolite to walk
front of
him. At any rate, with my one blind
eye and very poor eyesight in the
other, 1 did not notice lhat we were
on a platform lhat did nol extend all
the way .back to the rear wall.
Actually it extended only a
couple of steps backward from the
pulpit. lt was a rather
two steps
up lo the platform or three shorter
sieps. Anyway, without seei ng the
back end of the platform, 1 stepped
into thin
AlR -
and fell down lO the
floor - sorne sixteen to eigh teen
lt all happened so suddenly
hardly realized what had happened,
but both Mr. Rader and Mr. Fahey
and other men were there instantly
to pick me up. 1 had fallen fui!
weight on my left ankle while
twisted inward.
It was abad sprain.
Next mqrning the doctor carne.
was taken in an ambulance toa hos–
pital which seemed to be about
three cities away. 1 was taken on a
st retcher. The ambulance was cov–
so we could see only out
through one or two very small open–
ings - with a big red cross on eacb
side and the rear of the outside of
the ambulance. Both Stan and Bob
went along. sitt ing on a side seat,
while my stretcher filled the remain–
der of the interior.
The attendants lifted me on the
stretcber stairs up to lhe second
story of the building and into a
Mr. Armstrong presents
gift of Steuben crystal to King Sobhuza 11 of Swaziland, while Mr.
Rader, who accompanies Mr. Armstrong on his travels, looks on. The king, 76, has ruled the 6, 700-square-mi/e kingdom
for 55 years. He is attired in his nation 's traditional tribal costume.
PLAIN TRUTH February 1977