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for Jerusalem 's Liberty Be// Garden are Beverly Gott,
Mrs. Stanley R. Rader, Herbert W. Armstrong, and the project coordínator,
Abbíe Ben Arí. The park
partly sponsored by the Ambassador lnternatíonal
Cultural Foundatíon. Mrs. Gott (Mr. Armstrong
eldest daughter) and Mrs.
Rader, wífe o f the AICF executíve director, often accompany Mr. Armstrong
on hís tríps duríng whích he vísíts heads o f state and other leadíng wor ld
powers in mil itary might- perh aps
the greates t. Yet the United States
a l! pride in her
The Un ited Sta tes. faced with such a
d il emma. wou ld appea r as a grea t
big. cringing. powerful but cow–
a rd ly. nation. T he Uni ted States is
afraid to
Often 1 have thought of the one
fo rmer Presiden!, in my time. who
had the courage and the will to act
decisivcly in a crisis. 1 have men–
tioned this incident before. But it 's
worth telling again .
In 19 16 1 heard Theodore Roosc–
vc lt himsclf te!! it. He was cam–
pa ignin g in 19 16
again sl
th e
reelecti on of Wood row Wilson as
Presidcnt. Wilson was running on
th e slogan " He kept us out of wa r. "
Th e Ge rmans had been sinking
American fn.:ighters and passenger
sh ips. Presiden ! Wilson sent a note
to the Kaiser after each sinking.
protest ing - but the Ka iser ignored
the notes and kl:pt on sinking
s hip~
until. fi na lly, Mr. Wilson did
1--eep us out of war a ny longe r. Tha t
was a fter he had won the reelection
on his slogan.
Teddy, in his high-p itched , some–
wha t sq uecky voice, mocked the slo–
gan "He kept us out o f war. ' ' " lf I
had been Presiden !." he said. ''1
would havc scnt thc Kaiser j ust one
no te - and he would have
k nown
tha t
1 M EA N T IT.'
Once when a
Ge rman ba ttlcship was stcaming
towa rd Manila Bay ro attack Manila
a nd to take over the Philippines
[th en unde r th e U.S.].
scnt the Ka i–
se r a note, telling him to turn hi s
battles hip a round. The Kai ser didn ' t
re pond . So
note -
onl y 1 ditln't send this note to the
Ka iser. 1 sent it to Admira! Dewey.
in charge of our
e nt i ~e
Pacific fl eet.
instructed Admira! Dewey to steam
full speed with the entire fleet
toward that Ge rman battlcship. give
he r one wa rning, and if she did not
turn around and sta rt stcaming for
homc. to
SI N K 1-JER !
The Kaise r
learned tha t
Ye!). thc American people bave
been fed so mueh lefti st propaganda
th a t th ey have
You' ll find tha t fore–
cas t mill enni a ago in Levi ti cus
26 : 19.
After the heroic rescue of the ho -
tage., th e Uganda n dicta tor. l di
Amín, tota lly ignored the
of the lsraclis' heroic action - to lib–
era te the more than 100 doomed
hostages. He cried out loudly th at
Israe l had
him and de–
stroyed a third of his milita ry a ir
fo rce.
A few days latcr reports were fill –
ing newspaper front pages of pos–
s ibl e immin e nt wa r betwee n
Uganda and Kenya. Also th e re–
ports cla imed Li bya had sent Amin
more fighter jets than the b raelis
aften nmh:
Sorne of the hos–
tages earlier released and ft own to
Paris repon ed that President Amin
we lcomed the skyjackers with open
a rms, and his sold iers cooperated
fully with th e terrorists. Gene ra l
Amín a nd sorne other a nti -Israe l
Moslem states took th e matter to the
United Nations Security Council,
seeking its condemn ation of Israe l
and dcma nding financia! reparation
for damagcs.
The United States made it clea r
tha t it would ve to a ny such resolu–
t ion.
Israe lí U.N. ambassador Chaim
He rzog told the Security Council
the entire skyj acking was a collu ion
between Amin and thc terrorists
from th e vcry sta rt.
had wondered.
myse lf. how the kyjackers board ing
th is large pa.senger plane a t Athens
could be taking with them th rough
th e security checks a t th e airport not
on!y revolvers and grenades. bu t
a lso cxp lOSÍVCS sufficient
blow up
th e plane and its passengc rs. Her–
zog's sta tement would ind icatc a ll
th e g ue rrill as ha d to smu gg le
through th e secu rity checks a t
Athens a irpo rt were enough weap–
ons to pu l! off thc skyjacking. Al!
the oth er wcapons needed were
wai ting for th cm in Ugand a.
The Israelí envoy said Jdi Amín
was seen cmbracing and shaking
hands with the tcrrorist kyjacke rs
and tha t Uga ndan t roops who sur–
rou ndcd the Air France plane after
land ing in Uganda cmbraccd and
kissed the ten·orist skyjacke rs. Then
(Conlinued on page 42)
PLAIN TRUTH September 1976