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(Continuedfrom page 1)
ha nds." God sa id lo Haga r. "I will
mulliply thy seed [your child and his
descendants] exceedingly, thal it
shall no t be numbe red for multi–
tude.... [a nd your son (and race)]
wil l be a wild man, his hand will be
against every ma n, and every man's
hand against him: and he s hall
dwell in the presence [neighbo r to]
of all his brethren" - meaning tbe
descendants of Sarah - the Israel–
Hagar's son was IshmaeJ, falher
of th e Arab race. l shmael had
twe lve sons, who became dukes- or
Al the time of thi s Haga r
ciden!, Abra ham was 86 yea rs old.
Bul God promised him lhat Sarah
wouJd ye t g ive him a son and heir.
And Abraham was one of the
persons who ever lived who
And when
Abraham was onc hundred yea rs
old , his son and he ir, Isaac, was
bo rn of Sarah in her o ld age. Isaac
became the fa th er of the nation
Israel. And hostilily has existed be–
tween the Arabs, descended from
ls hmae l. a nd lhe l s raelil es, de–
scended from Isaac, even
this day.
The skyjacking incidenls - not
only this latesl one, but others be–
fare it - had lheir real beginning in
that jea lousy of the two women , Sa–
rah and Hagar, over Abraham.
Yet Israel has been lhe one nation
that slead fas tly has refused to so
much as negotialc with these in–
huma n savages of terrorism and
vio lence aga inst lhe innocent a nd
he lpless. 1 am not speakin g of Arabs
as a peoplc - but only those resort–
ing to savage terrorism agai nst in–
noccnt worne n a n d c hil d r en .
regardless ofwhat nation.
Few realize that these terrorists
have been lavishly financed and
highly trained. They send represen–
tatives to carefully check air termi–
nals in vario us major c it ies ,
carefully inspecting the means of
checking baggage and plane-boa rd–
ing passengers. This accounts for
PLAIN TRUTH September 1976
Herbert W. Armstrong, center, Stanley R.
Radar, left, and the mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Ko/lek, standing in front of
replica of the famous Liberty Be/l. A bicentennial gift trom the city of Phila–
delphia, the be// wi/1 be p/aced in Jerusalem's new Liberty Be// Garden.
the ir surprising success in board ing
planes with heavy supplies of arms,
g renadcs, bombs, and weapons to
carry out a rnajor hij acking.
The clforts of air renninals lo pre–
vent these terro rists from boarding a
plane selected for a hijacking has
ca used delays a nd d iscomfort and
has been a nui sance and impos ition
to millions of air passengers the last
severa! yea rs. Yet alllhese elabo rate
efforts to protect passengers from
lhe sense less menace of skyjacking
have had their effect. The recent hi–
jacking of the Air France jumbo jet
with ils 250 passenge rs was lhe firsl
major skyjack ing in abou l a yea r
anda ha lf.
But the compara tively sma ll na–
tion of Israel showed the rest of the
world an exampl e of how lo deal
with this inlernationa f menace. The
Israelí policy of refusing to deal
wilh skyjackers, if followed by all
na tions, wou ld deprive terrorists of
the goa ls they seek and soon make
skyjack ing to tally unprofilable.
Perhaps this very policy caused
the skyjackers to go for a bigger
ha ul in number of hostages this time
- more than 100 lsraelis and other
Jews. But Israel gave the rest of the
world an example of daring, cour–
age, and efficient execution in
a lightning military opera t ion
thal rescued nearly al l of the
1 simply ha ve to th ink of lhis sen–
sa tional opera tion in comparison
with the Uniled Slates. T he United
States is one of the greatest in popu–
lalion and one of the lwo greatest