Page 3079 - 1970S

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David L. Antion
Marital squabbles aren't fun. But they need not be destructive if a
couple knows how to "fight" correctly. Here are the rules.
t comes as no surprise to hear that
married couples have arguments.
In fact, sometimes they have
more than a rguments. They have
fights ! Bu t it isn't po lite to call them
"fights" - so let's call them "op–
This article is about opportunities
to calmly or not so calmly discuss
troublesome issues, to improve com–
munication in a marriage. and to
increase true intimacy between hus–
band and wife.
According to Roben Kelley, au–
thor of
Courrship. Marriage and the
a ma rital argument is "a re–
sult of a breakdown in thc working
partnership between husband and
wife." These breakdowns occur for a
number of reasons - emotional
frust rations, hurt fcelings. misun–
derstood role expec tations. and
eve ry va riety of poor communica–
tions. Sex. moncy. and children
be the subjcc ts most ofte n
argucd about.
lt takes skíll and self-control to
turn these dcstructivc squabbles
into "' fair fights" tha t improve hus–
band-wífe communications. solve
problems. and produce positive re–
su lts. But ít can be done by follow–
ing the ru les:
PLAIN TRUTH August 1976