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James Madison
Our fourth presiden! excelled in bíblica! cou rses as a graduate student at
Princeton , especially in Hebrew language stud1es. He con tinued his theological
stud1es througl1out his life.
In the field of religion. James Madison was fi rst and foremost an advocate of
freedom of worship. In helping draft the state constitut ion of Vi rginia, Madison
wrote the first rough manuscript o(the artic le on religious treedom. lt proved to be
a philosoph ical forerunner to t11e first amendment to the
8 1! 1
of Rights
We quote 1t here: ''That religion, or the duty wh1ch we owe to our Creator, and
the manner ot discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conv1ction, not by
force or violence: and theretore, that al ! men should enjoy the fu llest toleration in
the exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience, unpunished and
unrestrained by the magistrate, un less under colour of religion, any man disturb
the peace, the happiness, or safety of Society. And that it is the mutual duty of al !
to practice Christian forebearance, !ove, and charity. towards each other"
Journal of the V1rginia Convention,
4 4
the duty which we
owe to our Creator
. ..
can be directed only by
reason and conviction,
not by force or
VJOtence .
. .