Page 3035 - 1970S

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' ' . . .
humbly offering our
prayers and supplications
to the great Lord and
Ruler of nations and
beseech him to pardon
our national and other
transgress1ons .
. . .
George Washington
The father of our country was a very prívate person when it carne to his relig1ous
beliefs . Specific
v1ews are , therefore, d1ff1cult to document. But " Whatever
the precise facts , 1t 1s most certainly
that Washington was an Athe1st , as was
charged du ring his Presidency and at vanoustlmes smce' '
(In God We Trust.
p. 47).
Most of his speeches and writings about Deity cast God in a national setting.
Take for example the fi rst Thanksgiving Day proclamaiiOn under the Constitut ion in
New York City on October 3 . 1789.
He said: ·'Whereas 1t 1s the duty of Nations to acknowledge the providence of
Alm1ghty God, to obey h1s wil l, to be grateful for h1s benefits, and humbly to implore
h1s protection and favor . .. . And also that we may then un1te in most humbly
offering our prayers and suppllcations to the great Lord and Ruler of natlons and
beseech him to pardon our nat1onal and other transg ressions , to enable us all,
whether in public or prívate stat1ons, to perform our several and relative duti es
properly and punctually .... ,.