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Stanley R. Rader
The Lesson of Angola
Nassau, Bahamas, February 16,
Former Secretary
James R. Schlesinger, torced to re–
sign late last year after losing a
power struggle in Washington with
State Henry Kissinger,
has written in the February issue of
that " global realities have
thrust us [the American people] into
a role that we might have preterred to
avoid. lt is an unenviable tate. Yet, it
must be faced soberly. There is no
escape. " Mr. Schlesinger sees a
specter arising and haunting Europe
- a specter of Soviet hegemony re–
sulting from the steady expansion of
the military power of the Soviet state.
He is not alone, however, in his
concern. Mrs. Margaret Thatcher,
leader of Great Britain's Conservative
Party, is likewise concerned . She has
recent ly stated that the strategic
threat to Great Britain and its West–
ern allies from Soviet power was
greater now than at any moment
since the end o f World War 11 .
NATO ' s General Al ex ander Haig ,
Supreme Allied Commander in Eu–
rope, agrees t hat Soviet power is
greater than ever before on the sea,
in the air, and on land , and it threat–
ens not only Europe but also Japan,
the Middle East, and Africa. Russia,
he has said , has risen from a regional
or continental power to become a su–
perpower playing a global , imperial–
istic role.
Such power, General Haig has
cautioned, will not be controlled by
mere rhetoric . There can be only one
elevated to once again become the
HEAD - in grea ter prosperity and
blessings than ever before - and
with our peoples turn ing to and re–
have those who profess to
base their religion on the BIBLE
answer- the maintenance of equiva–
lent Western power. With in NATO, he
has said, with twice the industrial
base and one and one half times the
human resources, this power is
clearly greater- given the wi ll .
Mrs. Thatcher has said the West
will wind up on the scrap heap of
history if it cannot learn the lesson of
what the Soviets and their
ban proxies have successfully ac–
complished in Angola. lt is either
stand up to future challenges or see
the entire world ruled within a short
period of time by
Pax Sovietica.
Angola is not the only area where
Russia is operating in Africa. Russia
is now operating through its "techni–
cal advisers" in Algeria, Libya, So–
malia, Guinea, Nigeria, Uganda, and
Mozambique. Such an elaborate net–
work of Russian activity in Atrica re–
flects a pol icy - both economic and
mi litary - which should give rise to
great concern in Washington and
elsewhere in the West.
Yet, despite Mr. Kissinger's gen–
eral efforts toward "détente" and de–
spite his statements in Congress and
on his recent swing through Latin
America denouncing the Soviet inter–
vention in Angola, the U.S. response
has encouraged additional Soviet ac–
tivity in Africa and elsewhere .
The Plain Truth
has warned of the
danger trom the Soviet Union and
from communism in general for more
years. In issue after issue, its
pages have been devoted to warning
the American people, as well as its
never wARNED our people of these
pla in a nd clear PROPHEC!ES?
1 have been commissioned by the
livi ng
to get out this WARNING
to our peoples - as well as to take
Christ's last MESSAGE to Gentil e na–
tions for a warn ing to ALL NATJONS!
Sure, 1 get persecuted for
I've had to make unreali zed per-
triends in the West (readers through–
out the world in the English, French,
German , Spanish, and Dutch lan–
guages), of the Soviet threat or of the
specter of Soviet hegemony, as Mr.
Schlesinger has referred to it. Mrs.
Thatcher was right that we must
learn our lesson from Angola - and
there is not much time todo so.
As 1 write this column, it is just a
little difficult to remember that the
world is such a dangerous place and
that we are truly confro nted with
such an ominous threat to our future
security. Nassau is truly beautiful ,
and we are enjoying one
its more
beaut itul days . Mr. Herbert Arm–
strong and 1 are here tor another of
his personal appearances, and just a
tew hours ago we completed our in–
terviews with two local newspapers,
severa! international wire services,
and the national radio network. Mr.
Armstrong once again stressed that
man is in a position now to destroy all
human lite and that the world wi ll
know more chaos and more destruc–
tion, although man will not be per–
mitted to destroy himself entirely.
Once again , he emphasized a strong,
supernatural , intervening hand will
be necessary to prevent cosmocide.
On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
nights he will tell his audiences more
about the world tomorrow, as well as
this troubled world today.
Postscript: We have just received
word trom Japan that one of our
greatest friends and one o f Japan's
great leaders has died . Dr. Nobu–
moto Ohama, former president of
Wauseda Universi ty and a man who
has worked throughout h is long lite
in bringing about better understand–
ing between th e people o f Japan and
the United States, had cooperated
with us in so many ways throughout
the years as we have striven to build
a bridge between his people and
ours. He had recently agreed to
serve as the Chairman of the Am–
bassador lnt ernat ion al Cultural
Foundation of Tokyo , Japan . o
sona l SACRIFICES for it - but SOME–
BODY has to have the courage to
IT, and the li vi ng Christ has ca!J ed
and chosen me. And our grea t God
continues to bless me with you th,
strength, dynamic energy and vita l–
ity. And
know, that with YOUR
PRAYERS and help back of me, it will
be accomplished! O