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prosperity. We have grown in num–
bers, wealth and power as no other
nation ever has grown,
but we have
forgotten Godl
We have forgotten
the gracious Hand which preserved
us in peace, and multiplied and en–
riched and strengthened us; and we
have vainly imagined, in the deceit–
fulness of our hearts, that all these
blessings were produced by sorne
superior wisdom and virtue of our
The living God
us this vast,
unprecedented prosperity.
Lincoln saw a nation that bad for–
gotten God -a nation drunk with a
success not dueto its own efforts - a
nation taking all tbe credit and
glory to itself. This great president
called for a day of fasting and
prayer to confess tbe national sins
before God. The fate of the nation
was then hanging in the balance.
God heard and answered - the na–
tion was saved.
But today the threat is a thousand
times greater. And today there is no
national leader with the UNDER–
STANDTNG, the courage, and the
faith to bring our nations to their
knees for our deliverance.
What have we done with these
multitudes of national and individ–
ual blessings which actually were
the gift of the living God? God did
NOT promise to continue the bless–
ings if we rebelled. We have been
rebellious and unwilling to yield lo
our God and Hrs
AYS which
would have guaranteed
peace and prosperity. We bave be–
come arrogant and selfish. We have
polluted the fe rtile lands the living
God GAVE us. We have polluted the
air, the rivers, lakes and oceans. We
bave polluted our own minds and
those of our children - teaching the
anti-God fable of evolution. We
have given public acceptance to the
misnamed "new morality" which is
gross IMmorality! We have given
public acceptance to homosexuality,
premarital sex, and perversion. We
have polluted the sacred institution
of marriage, and through a con–
stant ly increasing divorce rate, we
have started on a course of destroy-
ing the home and family relation–
ship - the foundation of any stable
We have filled our lands with
crime - with corruption in high
places - with violence.
Speaking of this very condition
and time, God says in the prophecy
of Leviticus 26, "1 . . . will break the
pride ofyour power...."
Fifty years ago we had less power,
but we had PRIDE in our power.
When a German battleship was
steaming toward Manila Bay, Presi–
dent Theodore Roosevelt sent a
strong note to Kaiser Wilbelm de–
manding the immediate withdrawal
of the battleship. When the Kaiser
ignored the demand, "Teddy" sent
another note. Only, as l myself
Today there is no national
leader with the understanding,
the courage, and the faith to
bring our nations to their
knees for our deliverance.
heard him say, he did not send this
note to tbe Kaiser. He sent it to
Admira! Dewey, in command of the
U.S. Pacific Fleel. It instructed
Dewey to steam with tbe whole lleet
full speed toward tbe German bat–
tleship, to tire one warning shot over
her mast, and if she did not there–
upon turn around, tbe note in–
structed , "siNK HER." Roosevelt
said, "The Kaiser learned that 1
But we as nations have turned
from the God who so rich ly blessed
us. And He is now withdrawing the
The United States has now won
its LAST WAR! We were defeated hu–
miliatingly in Soutb Vietnam by
little North Vietnam. We
have the
n! Our high standard of living is
starting DOWNWARO. Our defeat
Soulh Vietnam and
scandal - followed by the CIA
scandal - have greatly weakened
the respect other nations had for us.
Europeans bad relied on the
United States for protection against
Russia. Tbey are fast losing con-
fidence in that reliance. Soon they
will unite POLITICALLY and
MILITARD..Y in a gigantic U.S. ofEu–
ROPE - a n:surrection of the once
powerful "Holy Roman Empire."
And it will be a threat that could
DESTROY the U.S. and Britain.
Already tbe once proud British
Empire has crumbled. They were
PROUD of their power - a PROUD
people. They are no longer a major
Now, as other prophecies reveal,
the United States and the British
peoples are to be visited soon by
such extreme drought and famine
tbat disease epidemics following in
their wake will take millions of lives
- up lo one third of our popu–
lations! When the heaven above us
is as iron and the earth is as brass
(Leviticus 26: 19), our nations will
realize tha t needed rain does not
come from iron above, and an earth
like brass does not soak up ra in nor
grow crops.
"And," continues the prophecy,
"your strength shall be spent
vain: for
land shall not yield
her increase, neitber shall the trees
of the land yield their fruits" (Lev.
But continue the prophecy: "And
[after this] if ye walk contrary unto
me, and will not hearken unto me; 1
will bring seven times more plagues
upon you according lo your sins....
And 1 will bring a sword upon
DESTRUCTION! (Lev. 26:21, 25.)
Unless these nations do turn to
our God and to Hrs RIGHTEOUS
AYS OF LIFE, this and other proph–
ecies warn of another third of our
people being destroyed by military
invasion. Our CITIES shall be de–
stroyed - undoubtedly by NUCLEAR
holocaust - and our people wiil go
God, punishment is CORRECTION for
Gooo - not revenge! Prophecy
AND SLAVERY at the time of Cbrist's
THEN wi ll come DELIV–
ERANCE, at Christ's coming, and
PLAIN TRUTH Aprii-May 1976