Page 2534 - 1970S

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WHJCH we may grow spiritua lly, so
we may e nt e r hi s kingdom at
Christ's coming.
Through the yea rs, 1, with those
added for their part in " the WORK"
continued to a nno unce the wonder–
ful news of the coming kingdom of
God and a ll that tha t message em–
bodied . Never have we sought to
- but a lways to
the good oews
of God's truth .
But [ could no t go to ALL THE
WORLD at the beginning. Like th e
things God does with and through
human agents, it had to s ta rt sma ll
- the sma ll es t! But like the grain of
musta rd seed, it grew and
GREW! The United States provides
many wonderful opportunities that
a re not avai lable in poorer coun–
tries. Here 1 was able to start at the
' 'grass roots" - reaching the "com–
mon people."
In mos t foreign countries, the
gove rnmen t cont ro ls a ll media
reaching the masses. Radio time
cannot be bought, no r can te levisio n
"The Wo rk" could neve r have
even STARTED in a ny other country.
Only in America , where the com–
mon pcople cont ri bute enough
money. O nly in America. where the
government allows such funds to be
expended to give the true gospel to
We tried afte r 19 years' growth to
reach ot her countries by radio. We
bo ug ht mostly a " pig in a poke." We
simply were not getti ng Chris t's
message into those coun tries.
After 40 years God has per–
form ed a n astoundi ng, tremendous
miracle! He has opened unhea rd of
doors. He has givcn me astonishing
FAVOR, wi th th e top HEADS OF STATE,
of nation afte r nation after nation
AROUND THE WORLD - yes, in Eu–
rope, Asia, Africa , and Central a nd
South America!
This is being fo llowed up by "tes–
timonial dinners" s ponsored by
high-ranking cabi ne t members or
ot hcrs high in the governments of
nations - and with the b lessing of
the king, presiden!, prime minister,
or chi cf o f s ta te . Such to p-ranking
officials are respo nsible for the spiri–
tual a nd mora l welfare o f their
This is th en fo llowed by a public
appearance campaign. High govern–
ment officia ls assume the responsi–
bility of ge tting o ut thousands of
hig hes t and upper class people -
the top subs ta ntial people of the
These leading officials have come
to loo k on me (beca use of the favor
God has providentia lly given me in
their eyes) as a " builder of bridges
for peace between na tions," a nd as
"an ambassado r without portfolio
for world peace."
is the
and latest
phase of
"1he Work. "
The a nno uncement
being given
- " in a ll the world, for a witness
unto all na tions! "
All of this is a n exampl e of bow
the living Christ actually a nd liter–
a lly guides and himse lf directs this
Wo rk . lt cannot be, a nd JS NOT, a
s ta tic Work on a constant unchang–
ing routine. lt some times requires
CHANGE. new ideas , ways , and
This new dimension, now getting
the message into the great mass–
population, Gentile countries.
somet hing that cou ld not have been
done even seven to ten years ago.
Even if Chris t had opened these
doors, we did not yet have the faci li–
ties and the resources to follow
through on itth en. lt's amaz ing how
RIGHT TIMI NG has played such an
important part in God 's Work
- a nd proof he d irected the TIM–
Thi s is
the Work of God
Work th e li vi ng Christ is carrying
ou t through you co-worke rs, Garner
Ted, and myself. He is giving me
lo ng life - renewi ng my youth, as in
lsa ia h 40:29-31.
In t he mind of God, this is the
is his acti vi ty - the Work
he is doing thro ugh us.
What a lranscendent commission,
what an awesome, /ranscendent
commission this is
Right now the living Christ is
about to return to ea rth . He is com–
ing to raise the dead in Chris t.
He is comi ng to have Satan, who
has deceived ALL NAT!ONS , bound
a nd thrown into a "bottomless pit."
He is coming in a ll th e supreme
POWER and GLORY of th e very c re–
ator God! He is coming as
King of
already c rowned , to RULE ALL
He is coming to restore th e gov–
ernment o f a lmighty God Lo ea rth!
He is coming to establish the king–
dom of God on the earth .
He is coming to bring world peace!
He is comi ng to
a ll poverty,
igno ra nce, sickness and disease, filth
and squalor, ugliness. He is coming
to end a ll cr ime. all war. to solve a ll
this world's evi ls - to bring univer–
sal prosperity, happiness, and joy!
He ca lled me as his instrument
announce al! thal in advance!
He raised up my son Garner Ted
to help me and take over th e chi ef
executive admi nis trat ion of " the
Work." now g rown big a nd world–
He called many o thers, to be
tra ined in Ambassador College, for
importan! phascs of
1his most impor–
tan/ Work on earth!
He called each of
y ou
to s tand
staunchly a nd loya lly
me and
Garner Ted, as human leaders, with
earnest and fervent PRAYERS. With
such ti th es a nd offerings as he has
made poss ible . With s uch in–
spiration as you can give.
And he has ca ll ed you to help in
a ll that - to be a n overcomer, grow–
ing in grace and truth, so tha t you
may be given ETERNAL LIFE -
you may sit with Chris t o n HIS
throne - so he can g ive you power
over th e nation s, to rule und e r
Chris t during the thousand years,
while we, with him, bring SALVA–
TION and ete rna! life
the whole
I f you seek
the true values
what e{se
be as impo rta n! as your part in that?
is "the Work."
wlzat an awesome Work
lo be
PRIVILEGED to have part in .