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new Ambassador Auditorium in
Pasadena, conducted by Maestro
Cario Giulini last April 7, 8, and 9.
While in Jordan, I spent about a
half day at the University of Jordan,
with its aggressive and forward–
looking president.
There was a reception and dinner
in my honor on the garden grounds
of the brother of the ambassador,
with ·many leading people there, in–
cluding Prince Mohammed, brother
of His Majesty, and the princess.
There also was a large banquet
in my honor, hosted by the Minister
of Information, Mr. Adnan Abu
I had a very enjoyable and profit–
able meeting with the prime minis–
ter. A program of cooperation
between Ambassador College and
the Jordanian government was ger–
minated, which I hope will lead to
cooperation with many other gov–
ernments in the Arab world.
King Hussein is now planning to
install a two-million watt radio sta–
tion at Amman, and 1 ascertained
that time will be available to us on
this possibly unprecedented super–
powered station.
Incidentally, my meeting with
King Hussein was televised on Aro–
man TV, and a few days later, dif–
ferent people in Israel told me they
had seen it. So 1 know that Jordan–
ian TV
seen in Israel.
I have to write these Personal
pages severa! weeks prior to publi–
cation. On my June-early J uly trip,
we also visited Israel. Here a "testi–
monial dinner" with around 100
people was set up for September.
This is a type of dinner hosted by
one or more officials close to the top
of the government, in which 1 tell
the guests what 1 stand for, what 1
believe, what are my purposes and
motives. These dinners then are fol–
lowed by a public appearance cam–
paign, attracting audiences of
1should mention here, also, that a
personal meeting with President Sa–
dat of Egypt is scheduled for late
July, preceded by a meeting with
the Shah of lran.
PLAIN TRUTH October.November 1974
Wrong To Be A Cultured Individ–
ual?' ' is a magnificent article.
advised my
wife to read it. She did. and later read it
slowly to our chi ldren. and they were also
very impressed and listened intently.
re-read it.
is marvelous how clearly and
simply the author instructs on the right path
between two dep lorable extremes.
Ernest S..
Athol. Maine
1 have read your article entitled "ls
Wrong to Be a Cultured Individual?" and 1
offer the following comments: Although 1
understand the article and com–
prehend what you are trying to state, the
article seems to leave the wrong impression.
y speaking. the article leaves one
the impression that you equate tbe posses–
sion of good quality material commodities
with the word "culture." Strictly speaking,
contrary to what your whole article seemed
to strongly irnply. the mere possession of
quality goods or a college education does
not make one cultured. Furthermore, sorne
would contend that there are many people
who wear cheap clothes, drive cheap used
autos and live in cheap bouses and are sti ll
"cultured." On the other hand. Americans
who have a college education, wear good
clothes, own expensive cameras and live in
bornes often, very. very
often, impress foreigners as being crude,
crass, vulgar individua ls . . . . In Mexico
such persons (as !'ve described) are said to
be "educated but uncultured." Further–
more, Mexicans strongly contend many of
their compatriots are poor but "cultured."
Following your reasoning to its ultimate
conclusion. it seems to say that being poor
and cultured are mutally exclusive. This is
typical American reasoning which often
leads to feelings of American superiority
with regard to other countries' cultures.
Thank you.
Santos B.,
Dalias, Texas
1 carne from a poor family. My poor,
precious parents believed in working hard
but never having inore than the bare neces–
sities and never having an enjoyable mo–
ment. To their way of thinking. it was
wrong. l lave them but 1can see how wrong
they were.
God has given me a husband with a lot
of comrnon sense. He has always told me
there is nothing wrong in having the finest
as long as you don't walk on anyone else to
get it and you work honestly. He also carne
from a poor fam.ily and has mostly raised
himself since he was 5 years old . But he has
had a goal in life. No matter what has come
up he has s tuck to that goal. Nothing has
caused him to give up, and he doesn't mind
the work. He's never been so busy but what
he doesn' t have time to stop and help his
fellow roan. But he's working 10 have the
Carolyn C..
Elk City. Oklahoma
Europe: Catastrophe and Revival
1 practically "devour' ' your literature. 1
am anxiously waiting for more of the series
on Europe.
had no idea the Germans had
so much to do with the " Ho1y' ' Roman
empire, or that it was so riddled with sin.
The more one reads history, the more one
wonders how God can tolerate us.
Dumas, Texas
We read your article "The German Em–
pire in the Dark Ages" with great interest.
We come from The Netherlands and Spain,
and we had for sorne time the wish to know
more about the beginning - historical ge–
ography - of al! the nations of present day
We just recently started to receive your
magazine the
Plain Truth
and severa! book–
lets and we are very impressed and thankful
for it. We praise you and all the other
collaborato rs for this outstanding work.
Frank and Maria V. ,
Uttleton, Colorado
For 1he doctors and nurses who find
abortions repugnant, the simple solution
would seem to be not to take part in them.
No one is forcing anyone to do anything
against his conscience unlike the etfect an
anti-abortion Law wou ld have on those
who hold pro-abortion beliefs.
1do agree with the doctor that for human
life to have va lue we must have standards
of conduct .. .. In my opin ion human life
does not begin until it is viable . . .. Befare
that it has the potcntia1 for human life
much as the sperm and egg individually has
the potential for becoming a human life.
Befare that they are not human life but life.
seems consisten! to me that
one values
human life he shou1d value all li fe. But
there are those that esteem human life
above other forms of life like a dog. snail or
insec1 .... I believe that those lhat are here
already have precedence over the unborn
and the dead. I believe it 10 be immoraltO
bring new babies into lhe world while so
many that are aiready here are starving and
diseased .... I believe it criminal to have
human beings living in squalor and depri–
vat.ion. to lack a basic education where
learning right values. building character
and gaining know1edge are among the basic
reasons we are on this earth .. ..
Caro! N.,
Anaheim. California
1 have been taking your magazine the
Plain Truth
for over a year now. 1 was
sixteen years old when 1 first began reading
your magazine. 1 am now eighteen years
old and still find it as interesting. or perhaps
even more so. than when 1 first started read–
ing it. 1 want 10 thank you for making the
Pfain Truth
avai lable to people like myse lf
who cannot afford to pay for it.
1 always find your magaz ine very much