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Death is the lot of al/ mankind.
What is this thing called
"death ''? Does anything lie
beyond it? Mus t we fear
ed Armstrong
Everyday, lhou–
sands of people on lhis world
die. Whether due to accidenl,
sickness. suicide, murder. or simply
old age, people die.
We weep when a beloved mem–
ber of lhe family dies. When we are
children, we sometimes weep and
wail over the death of a beloved
puppy, canary or other pet.
Death is so fina l, so irreversible.
But what really happens when a
person dies?
Today lhere is a reawakened in-
teresl in 1he subject of dealh, reli–
gion, the supernatural, and whal
happens after death. There is
heightened in1eres1 in ESP and the
spi ril world. Many wonder if the
souls of the dead communicale with
lhe living.
The Ultimate Tragedy
What really happens at death?
Tragically. there seems to be a great
void of underslanding. Very few
people seem 10 know.
Ignorance leads 10 a greal sense of
loss and fear - fear of lhe unknown.
When a loved one dies, relalives .,
are more easily upset. more emo–
tional , more precariously balanced
on 1he tight-rope of emolional self-
control than at any olher time.
A funeral director interviewed for
television said: "The funeral direct–
ing business is a very sensitive busi–
ness because it deals wilh the
emotions and the sympalhies of
takes a great deal of tact
and empathy 10 be able 10 serve
people satisfaclorily."
He added, "You have 10 like
people, l think. to be a funeral di–
rector because you have to deal with
people. You have to be very careful
because every one you see every day
is mostly upset. Ifyou use the wrong
word. lhe wrong lerm. 1he wrong
phrase. you may upset lhem even
more. You wanl lo be sympa1he1ic