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Since increasing numb
people believe in a devil and a sairit
world, it is important that we under,–
stand these facts. First, consider
tbis: Jesus Cbrist oever perform
ritual of exorcism. Howeve r, it is r
corded tnat he did cast out - or
exorclse - demons.
By definition, an exorcism is the
of an evil s pirit by a com–
ritühl or prayer. When a per–
son is
a state of demonie
pos ession, as o_eposed to being in–
fluenced or bothe ed by demons, his
or Qer gersonality is generaD}'- d'ras- ,
tica'Íiy altered.
When Jesus cast out demons, he
neY-er went through an intensive,
. long-lasting ritua l of exorcism. Of
course, one should also add that he
was gifted wi h divine power and
miracle working ability through the
spirit of God. Tbe Bible reveals that
Christ. the Logos (Word) of God
1-2) who was made flesh
(verse 4), was actually the one wbo
originan created the demons as an–
-gelic spirits (Colossians
Subsequently, those angels rebelled
against God and were cast down to
the earth, where they roam and
wander (see Matthcw 12:43; Reve–
lation 12:4; Jude
6; 11
Peter 2:4).
At one point during Jesus' minis–
try he crossed the sea of Galilee to
the country of the Gadarenes where
two demoniacs met him "coming
out of the tombs, so fierce that no
ooe could pass that way... . They
cried out ... " 'Have you come here
to torment us before the time?' "
(Matthew 8:28-29.) Demons, as this
account shows, fearfully look to–
ward a future time of judgment
when they will be punished for their
evi l acts. In this case, Jesus allowed
them to enter a herd of swine which
rushed into the sea and drowned.
Do Demons Really Exist?
The biblical record states that far
from being mere ancient myths, de–
mons are very real. The Greek word
translated "demon" in the Bible is
. PLAIN TRUTH August 1974
nd refers-to the host of
rior iritu 1 beings wbo ' 'kept
not their
es te" (Jude
Satan, -uc er, or the "Devil" is
call their4>rince
the Scriptures
p esians
loses control of his
mind, as in an outburst of temper,
or beco es frighte ed "out of his
or consorts with the occult,
ScriB ure wams that one may open
erself up to demon in-
possiOie possession.
SometJmes demons ex individuals
with a
sickness (Matthew
17: ,}- 18), such as epilepsy. paraly–
is, deafness, dumbness, or madness,
for liich there is no apparent phys–
ical cause.
These spirit beings are pictured in
the Bible as "reserved in everlasting
chains under darkness unto the
judgment of the great day" (Jude
They are rebellious, defiant,
haughty, proud, arrogant, insolent,
deceiving, lying, demented spirits
who long ago rejected God's way of
righteousness and truth.
fact, demons are in a con–
stantly agitated state of turmoil and
anxiety, living in interminable fear
and dread of the vengeance of God.
The apostle James alluded directly
to this tormented condition when he
said: "You believe that God is one;
you do well. Even the demons be–
lieve -
and shudder"
(James 2: 19,
Why are they so fearful? The
apostle Jude possibly a lludes to
tbeir fate: "wandering stars for
whom the nether gloom of darkness
has been reserved for ever" (Jude
13, RSV).
Power Over Demons?
The Bible reveals that demons do
exist, describes their origin, and
gives us a glimpse of their fate. lt
also tells us that we should not allow
ourselves to become preoccupied
with them or to fear them.
Every true Christian has power
over demons through the spirit of
God and can call upon Jesus Christ
to rebuke them at any time. As the
apostle James wrote: "Submit your-
selves the efore to God. Resist the
devil and he wilf flee from you.
raw-near to God and he will draw
near to you•· (J!}llles 4 :7-8, RSV).
Peter also instructs us: " Humble
yourselves therefore under the
mighty hand of God, that in due
time he may e-xah you. Cast all your
anxieties on him, for he cares about
you. Be sober, be watchful. Your
adversary the devil prowls around
like a roaring lion, seeking sorne one
to devour.
Resist him, firm in your
knowing that tb·e same experi–
ence of sul:fering is required of your
brotherhood throughout the world"
(l Peter 5:6-9
Today, it isn' t fashionable to be–
lieve in demons, a literal Devil, or a
spirit world, as the Bible teaches.
But refusing to believe such things
exist doesn't wipe them out.
Either the phenomena known as
demon possession is explainable by
the Bible, or else modero psychiatry
and psychotherapy have no solid a l–
terna te explanation and must keep
on guessing.
wise man will heed
the biblical warning and not meddle
with demons. He will not flirt with
the supematural. He
not play
coy games with "familiar spirits."
He will not dabble in the occult.
In our modero age of uncertainty.
we must not regress to primitive su–
perstition in misguided hopes of
finding occult answers to life's di–
lemmas. We must not allow the dis–
integration of right values and
beliefs to cause us to turn away
from objectivity and rationalism
based on the accurate revelation of
God's Word. We must avoid both
superstitions - the superstition of
magic and the occult, which appears
innocent on the surface but which
hides a legion of demons under–
neath - and the superstition of ma–
terialism and pseudoscience. which
ignores and ridicules the existence
of psychic phenomena and a spirit
In the midst of such unstáble, un–
predictable times, we need a sure
anchor, a steadfast guide - and the
only unshakable anchor and guide
in existence is the Word ofGod.