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tive is that the supply is abundant
and free of política! strings.
Then there is hydrogen. Touted
as an ideal future fue! , hydrogeo is
an extremely abundant gas which
burns cleanly and is very efficient in
both its gaseous and liquid forms.
Under proper control and super–
vision, it can serve as a natural gas
to heat homes and other types of
buildings and as a fuel for motor
vehicles. When lighted, it produces
no air pollution, just steam, which
eventua lly returns to the atmo–
sphere where it is naturally recycled
with other water vapor.
Of course, major considerations
must be given to the drawbacks as–
sociated with the utilization of all
energy resources. But the point is:
God's government, which mankind
has resisted for nearly 6,000 years,
will have the wisdom to solve all
related problems involved
harnessing of such potential power.
After all , God created the power
sources - aod the drawbacks - for
a reason. Imagine how man would
already have wasted these resources
if God had not, at the time of cre–
ation, placed limitations on accessi–
bility and drawbacks in utilization
of energy resources.
The Wealth Down Under
Potential power resides in and un–
der the waters of the oceans.
One major chemical firm has re–
ported that one cubic mile of ocean
water contains sorne 175 million
tons of dissolved chemicals. Accord–
iog to the report, the chemicals from
one cubic mile of ocean water are
worth over $5 billion. On this basis,
the total value of the oceans
amounts to over one quintillion, five
hundred quadrillion dol l ars
($1 ,500,000,000,000,000,000).
Such tremendous wealth down
under will be tapped
the world
tomorrow, as the Bible clearly in–
dicates: "The riches of the sea shall
be lavished upon you ..." (lsaiab
The New English Bible).
Not only is ocean water valuable,
but according to ano:her study, a
vast reservoir of wealth rests on the
PLAIN TRUTH Aprll 1974
ocean bottom as well. On the ocean
ftoor lie fist-sized nodules containing
a mixture of such metals
nickel ,
cobalt, copper, manganese, and
The abundance of these no–
dules is staggering. The Paci–
fic Ocean alone contains
sever a! billion tons of
these high-grade nodules.
lt is estimated that one
year's harvest of a mere
100 million tons of
these raw nodules
would yield about 1.5
million tons of copper
and nickel a nd
about 240,000 tons
of cobalt.
How long
could these no–
dules support
an advanced so–
ciety, should har–
vesting tbem on a
large scale become
feasible? According
to the
Los Angeles
Dec. 2, 1973,
The peoples of the
world tomorrow
will structure their
economies and tap
their power resources
to serve one another.
The profit motive will
no longer be the all–
encompassing goal.
" ... the ocean tloors
would provide man
with the inetalliferous
resources to last at least
another 1,000 years, even at
today's ... rates of consumption."
Interestingly, 1,000 years is the
duration of the prophesied world to–
morrow (Rev. 20:4).
Cr isis of the Spirit
In the final analysis, the energy
crisis is a crisis of the spirit because
the ultimate causes involve the spiri–
tual. Why?
Man is a physical being. He can
comprehend physical things. But he
cannot, of himself, comprehend
spiritual principies
Cor. 2: 14).
God is spirit. He has set in motion
spiritual laws which would bring
roan peace, happiness, and abun–
dance - if only man would cease to
ignore or reject them. God has also
promised those who are willing to
obey him a portion of his own di–
vine spiritual nature, which would
make us his very own sons and
daughters and which .vould make it
possible for us to comprehend the
spi ritual principies that regulate our
relationships with one another. God
says ,
" 1
will give you a new
heart ... and puta new spirit within
you" (Ezekiel 36:26,
The Living
In the world tomorrow, this
spirit will motívate citizens and
rulers to be unselfish.
Entire societies, from top to bot–
tom, will be imbued with the spirit
of God. Instead, there will be a
world of peace, abundaoce, and joy.
As a result, no one will ever have
to be left in the dark or out
cold. Why? Because both the physi–
cal and the spiritual energy crisis
will have been solved forever!