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sumption of voluminous amounts of
fossil fuels.
In the cities of the world tomor–
row, people won't waste val.uable
time and energy trying to escape
their uncomfortable surround–
ings every weekend or holi–
day. In fact, with society
properly managed and hu–
manized cities, escapism
will cease to exist!
The peoples of the
world today have
structured their eco–
nomic way of life so as
to create an endless
spiral of demand for
The same will happen.
to the police force when
the crime rate drops to
a point where statistics
won't even be both-
ered with. Those few
who do begin to
deviate will in–
stantly be ad–
monished with
the words: "No,
this is the way;
walk here" (Isaiah
30:21 ,
The Living
energy and raw
ons of war. At that time, "The Lord
will settle international disputes ; all
the nations will convert their weap–
ons of war into implements of
peace. Then at last all wars will stop
and all military training will end"
(Isaiah 2:4,
The Living Bible).
Also, Jimits will be placed on the
kind of growth allowed cities. God's
Word warns against property specu–
lators, improper land usage and ac–
companying congestion: "Woe to
those who join house to house ...
and join field to tield, until there is
no place for others ..." (lsaiah 5:8,
The Amplified Bible).
In today's
jammed cities, with structures many
stories in height, there just isn't any
logical alternative to the con-
At that time, alter–
native energy plans
will be carefully
thought out. Leaders
will carefully analyze
all factors befare a
power system of any type
is even considered, much less
built. Experts and officials in God's
government will head off problems
long befare they have a chance to
come to an unpleasant fruition.
Short-term "non-solutions" won't be
utilized. Human needs of the next
1,000 years will be considered.
Society's overall power demand
will be controlled from the outset.
The very structure of society will
make addiction to spiraling prob–
lem-producing energy systems un–
necessary. With the overwhelming
majority of human beings pursuing
character-building activities and
with nations concerned for the wel–
fare and needs of other countries, a
substantially larger quantity of
power will be available for the un–
derdeveloped areas of the world
than is now used.
And where is this energy going to
come from?
The Many Sources
The earth is filled with a bountiful
supply of potential energy sources.
Not all sources are easily trans–
formed to warm bornes, power vehi–
cles, or move machinery. Much of
energy is difficult to
reach under current physical condi–
Vast quantities of potentia! power
sources are located too far below the
earth's surface or in otherwise in–
accessible areas - such as under the
ocean fioors. They are, if you please,
in "the wrong places."
Interestingly enough, the Bible
foretells that one of the first events
to occur just prior to the estab–
lishment of God's government on
earth will be massive earthquakes
and other far-reaching geophysical
disruptions (Isaiah 2: 19; Revelation
16: 18). The New Testament apostle
John, while a prisoner on the isle of
Patmos in the eastern Mediterra–
nean, wrote down a number of these
awesome occurrences after God su–
pernaturally revealed them to him
Among other striking
events, John saw "every mountain
and island ... moved out of its
place" (Revelation 6:14, Moffatt
translation) and how "every island
fied away, and the mountains were
not found" (Revelation 16:20).
Such supernaturally initiated
changes in the earth's surface could
make mineral resources and addi–
tional power sources such as geo–
thermal heat readily available.
Of course, there are numerous
other energy resources that tech–
nology will be capable of harnessing
once Almighty God provides the
appropriate circumstances for their
What, for instance, could be more
natural than harnessing the energy
of the sun? Solar energy reaching
the earth in the form of sun rays
each year is equivalent to that re–
leased by burning 120 trillion tons
of coal - about 25 times the total
coal supply of the earth! What
makes the use of solar energy attrac-
PLAIN TRUTH April 1974