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througb the mainstreams of estab–
lished society than through the
smokescreen of so-called Satanism.
The truth is: Satan has deceived
"the whole world" (Revelation
12:9), not just Satanists and devil
worshippers. Tbat includes this
world's philosopbers, educators, sci–
entists - yes, even its theologians.
They too, under Satan's infiuence,
have either rejected or misunder–
stood the real truth of God.
The result has been a deceived
humanity - a deception God has
allowed (not caused). Why? Because
Almighty God will not force man–
kind to accept his truth. God has
allowed humans the freedom of
choice. But man has chosen to reject
the revealed word of God.
One Last Great Deception
Because modern man continues
to spurn God's truth, he is unaware
that the stage is currently being set
on the world scene for an unprece–
dented performance of literal
Satanic miracles - in the name of
Christianity! These miracles, specifi–
cally foretold in the pages of your
Bible, will be astounding. In fact,
one great false religious leader yet
to appear on the scene will utilize
the very power of the devil bimself
Thessaloníans 2:9).
His remarkable front-page spec–
taculars wiU have a profound im–
pact on people from all walks of life.
Since the world of science will be
unable to explain them, scientists
will be dumbfounded. Religious
leaders and laymen alike will think
these clever miracles are of God be–
cause they have never really under–
stood the scriptures that wam of
Satan's power and ability to per–
form them. In fact, so astounding
will these miracles be, that even world
política! figures will be misled.
As shocking as it might sound,
bíblica) prophecy indicates that this
great false religious leader - de–
scribed in the scriptures as the ''false
prophet" (Revelation 16: 13) - will
set himself up as the world's divine
"emissary of peace." He will seek to
locate his headquarters in Jerusalem
PLAIN TRUTH March 1974
"Christianity is nothing more than a diabolica/
plot which was designed to keep mankind en–
trapped for severa/ thousand years until a
better mousetrap could be invented.
- the reljgious hub of the world -
where he will view himself not only
as the implementer of Middle East
peace, but also of world peace. Mir–
acles will play a major role
vincing both the Christian and non–
Christian worlds of his claims. Such
startling occurrences will enable this
false prophet to, among other
things: amalgamate the religious
commitment of vast segments of hu–
manity, integrate the world's system
oftrade and commerce with religion,
and above all else, suppress the real
truth oftbe source ofhis power- and
the identity ofthe evil spirit inspiring
him - Satan himselfl
The point is: Satan hasn't come
back. He never left. He's been here
all the time. But now he is preparing
the world for his greatest master–
piece of dec! ption.
This coming deception is one you
can personally avoid.· The truth is
available. But you must act on
We invite you to write for our free
The Occult Explosion: What
Does It Mean?
See back cover for
the address of our office nearest
you. O