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devil is pure myth. Among the reli–
giously inclined, it reinforces the be–
lief that the devil portrayed by
Satanism is indeed the real devil.
(Apparently it never enters most
people's minds that the real devil
might be an altemative to what they
have always been taught or led to
Actually, there does exist a
literal devil - a devil most
people know nothing about.
Uncovering his identity is
possible only through di–
vine revelation - and by
the only source o f that
knowledge which man can–
not otherwise discover for
himself. That source is the Holy
Yet, down through history,
mankind has tended to either
reject, ignore, or misinterpret
this precious storehouse of
knowledge. And in so doing, he
has discarded the only source
by which the supernatural
may be accurately judged.
The result has been the
proliferation of all sorts
of confusing ideas
about the devil - es–
pecially about bis
In reali1y ,
ber of fallacious assumptions in the
minds of all individuals.
the devil o f
devil worship is a counterfeit devised by
the real devil himself. And Satanism
is no1hing more than
a smokescreen
to cover up what this real devil has
been up 10 all these years! That is the
truth of your Bible!
It reinforces, among the more
secular members of the population,
the assumption that the super–
natural is fiction, and hence, the
Did God create a devd to tempt us and lead us
astray? Where d1d the devil come from? Th1s
fascinating story 1s told 1n the free book let
Oid God Create a
Oevi/? l t explains the
orig in, funct ion and ultimate fate of Satan.
Send today for your free copy.
W ill t he Real Devil
Please Stand Up?
Nowhere does Scripture depict
1he devil as having horns, pitchfork,
aod goatee. Neither does it describe
him as a being who periodically
ftees the scene only to come back in
the form of the cults which bear rus
name. Rather, the written word of
God reveals a being of far greater
subtlety who has deceived all of so–
ciety - lhe whole world.
He is referred 10 in II Corinthians
4:4 as "1he god of this world." Other
passages picture him as " ... 1he an–
cienl serpent called the devil, or
Salan, 1he one deceiving
the whole
world ..
." (Revelation 12:9,
Living Bible).
The devil described in the Bible is
a being of superior, ye1 distorted,
mind power capable of injecting
twisted thoughts and impulses into
unsuspec1ing human minds. Ephe–
sians 2:2 Labels him "the prince of
the power of the air."
1his devil who has influenced
roan to build a totally false socie1y
from bottom to top - including its
religions, education, philosophies,
and speculative sciences. Satanist
cults are but another distorted cre–
ation of 1his real devil, a crea1ion he
has devised 10 cover up the fact that
entire society is false.
But mankind, blinded to the truth
of God's word, has been essentially
unaware of just how far-reaching
Sa1an's inftuence in the guidance of
human atfai rs has been. Had man -
individually and collec1ively - nol
rejec1ed what God told him, he
would have understood the devil's
role in the development of human
governments, religions, and philos–
ophies - in lhe prolifera1ion of
wars, armed confticls, and countless
o1her human catastrophes.
Man would have known that
Satan has been here all 1he time,
deceiving humans into believing
that he doesn ' t exist - or into ac–
cepting false characterizations about
him. Man would have known 1hat
Salan has weaved bis subtle web of
deception much more etfectively
PLAIN TRUTH March 1974