obey or disbelieve and disobey -
that is, to go the way of
"Gt VE"
the way of
He has decreed
that man must choose. Man has
chosen the way of "get." Now the
six thousand years are just about up.
And man's self-centered way of
Jife is now bringing crises of many
kinds which are accelerating a ll over
the world. The prophecies of God's
revealed Word to man show this.
They show that we are right now
at the
close of this age - a time of world
trouble "such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time,
no, nor ever s ha ll be. And except
those days should be shortened [the
evils cut short], there should no flesh
be saved [alive]: but for the elect's
sake [those few who do believe and
obey] those days shall be shortened"
(Matthew 24:2 1-22).
This 24th chapter of Matthew ¡;e–
cords how Jesus' disciples asked,
"What shall be the sign of thy com–
ing, and of the end of the world" –
that is, this age? The only sign he
gave by which we should
when this 6,000-year age would end
is in verse 14: "And this gospel of
the kingdom [of God] shall be
preached in all the world for a wit–
ness unto all nations; and then shall
the end come."
And now, for the first time in 18V2
centuries, that gospel of the King–
dom of God
being proclaimed to
all the world by this very work of
God. Recently I, personally, have
been privileged to proclaim it to
leaders at the top of many nations
around the world.
That message announces that
God will , now, soon intervene in
world affairs and bring an
world peace and 1,000 years of hap–
piness and abundance worldwide.
And God "shall send J esus
Christ ... whom the heaven must
receive until the times of restitution
of allthings" (Acts 3:20). Christ will
soon return, in the supreme power
and glory of the great God, and the
kingdoms of this world will become
the kingdoms of our Lord, and of
of Prince Mikasa and
Herbert W. Armstrong.
his Chríst, and he shall reign for
ever and ever (Revelation 11: 15).
Men and armies will resist. They
will tight back. But by supernatural
power men will be forced to have
peace, happiness, abundance!
brother of the Emperor of Jopan, offers a toast to Herbert W. Armstrong at banquet in Mr. Armstrong's
honor in Tokyo, September 26. Fifty-eight distinguished guests, including members of the Cabinet, the Diet (Japan's Con–
gress or Parliament), presidents of the two largest universities , and their wives, attended. Mr. Armstrong proclaimed to
this distinguished gathering the good news (gospel) of the Kingdom of God. From left to right, Ambassador Mekasha of Ethiopia,
Princess Mikasa, Mr. Stanley R. Rader, Mr. Armstrong, Prince Mikasa, Mrs. Mekasha.