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families were left without tools or
animals to work their farms. The
transportation and communication
systems of the country were totally
destroyed, roads were damaged,
bridges were knocked out, and in–
land waterways were blocked. Ten
million refugees fied to India, many
starving, many dying of cholera.
Hardly a family was unaffected.
He told me how that within hours
before the Pakistani army surren–
dered, their units had systematically
killed thousands of the better edu–
cated so sorely needed now by the
government and the people. In a
nation with
20% literacy, the
loss of those thousands of educated
was a sore tragedy.
Prime Minister Mujibur Rahman,
a big man - rough, practica! and
competent, a natural leader - also
described the basic and dire needs
of Bangladesh. First, of course, is
FOOD! A dire need is education, es–
pecially with so many thousands of
the educated minority killed at
war's end.
With sucb extreme poverty, fol–
lowing so devastating a war, thou–
sands starving, Bangladesh also is a
country of
disadvantages -
very crowded, 1,100 people to the
square mile, a swampy terrain prone
to ftoods and cyclones, famine an
ever-present danger. Their problems
beyond human abi/ity to so/ve.
For a country in such an unbelievably
pitiful plight, perhaps
is a good
thing the world
fast approaching
the SUPREME CRISIS of this age of
human civilization - and tbat God's
soon come.
But Why? What's the Cause?
Stop and
Wby should we find
such conditions among humans?
Even the illiterate, unable to read or
write, have human minds. Their
minds, too - had the people been
born of a heredity inftuenced by
proper education, and had they been
able to develop their minds - might
have been as capable as those who
solved the problems ofspace travel.
WHY illiteracy?
human pov–
do we have a world with
half of its millions living in igno–
rance, extreme poverty, wretched–
ness, filth and squalor?
Human minds are capable of pro–
ducing the computer - of going to
the moon and back.
et we can't
solve our problems here on earth.
I had to ask WHY!
And forty-seven years ago, 1
learned why! Forty-seven years ago
I experienced the shock of my life. I
was literally
to leam what
science has been unable to reveal,
what no religion teaches, what gov–
ernments do not understand, the
CAUSE of all this trouble in the
world, the SOLUTION, the WAY that
would bring us world PEACE, univer–
sal prosperity, happiness and joy.
I was literally dumbfounded to
learn - and believe it or not, in the
Bible - what neither the Christian
religion or any other teaches: the
CAUSE of all this vast mountain of
human woe - and also the CAUSE
produce ac–
tual utopía!
was incredulous to
learn that ALL nations - ALL reli–
gions - are
The plain
truth is made clear and plain in that
misunderstood, maligned and mis–
interpreted book! And 1 did not dis–
cover sorne new interpretation. 1
found it needs NO interpretation.
interprets itself. It is the inspired,
revealed word ofour Maker and our
Creator. And I learned he says
plainly what he means, and he
means what he says! 1 didn't find
sorne new religion -
merely found
plain truth!
l found plainly revealed the MISS–
DIMENSION in knowledge.
Our Maker revealed to our first
parents this basic knowledge - but
they did not believe him! He re–
vealed not only
we humans
for what
were put here on earth, and
achieve it. He revealed the
AY to
peace, happiness, abundance. But
our first parents disbelieved, dis–
obeyed, went
the other way.
And hu–
manity has been going that wrong
way ever since.
It's axiomatic. For every effect,
there has to be a CAUSE. There has
to be a CAUSE for all of the world's
evils. Ifwe a re to have peace, happi–
ness and abundance, something will
have to cause it.
When our first parents dis–
believed and rejected that knowl–
edge, our Creator caused it to be
written in his inspired Word to us –
the Holy Bible. There he
what man
discover by him–
self -
know, except by reve–
lation from God. And just as our
first parents disbelieved and dis–
obeyed, so has all humanity - their
children - disbelieved, rejected and
gone the other way.
Wbat God revealed to Adam and
Eve and plainly reveals for those
willing to see and believe is the way
that will CAUSE every oooo result.
Actually, what it amounts to is
this: There are only the
ways of life. 1 simplify it by calling
one the way of"GrvE," the other the
way of "GET." Our Maker is a God
of love - and "love" is always out–
going. Toward other humans, it is
outgoing concern for others eq ual to
self-concern. It is the God-centered
way. Since God is the source of all
good, it means contact with, belief
in, dependence on, and obedience to
him from wbom all blessings must
flow. It means love, first toward
God, and second to fellow men.
Toward meo it means cooperation,
giving, serving, helping, sharing.
Man has not lived that way! Man
has caused evils.
Man has lived the "GET" way, the
way of SELF-centeredness, of con–
cero only for self and wbat is allied
with self.
is the way of com–
petition and strife. It is the way of
lust, greed, vanity, jealousy, envy,
every wail of human woe. It has
caused all our problems and evi ls.
What 's Ahead, Now!
Sir Winston Churchill said before
the American Congress, "There is a
PURPOSE being worked out here be–
low." That PURPOSE involves a
seven-thousand-year duration. God
has allotted the first six thousand
years to allow man to believe and
PLAIN TRUTH February 1974