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Catholicism in Crisis
eojoy reading your magazine, and as a
Catholic priesl,
was particularly in1eres1ed
wha1 you bad 10 say in your article
"Catholicism in Crisis."
musl say i1 was
objective and acc uratc, and wrilten with a
sympathy for the C hurch in crisis which is
nol found in many "Catholic" publicatioos
Bernard J. B..
Ph iladelphia, Pennsylvania
PLAIN TRunt, you write like a Roman
Catho lic insli1u1ion.
Sr. Constanline B..
Hun1ing1on Beach, California
Does anyone think for one momenl that
lbe Catholic Church is going 10 fold up, líe
down and die. because of wha1 happens in
one or 1wo countries? History tells us what
happened in England under Henry Vnl,
and the Church wenl on, even though
many people met thcir death by martyr–
dom . The blood of martyrs is the seed of
faith... .
Mineola, Long lsland
have enjoyed your PLAtN TRUTH maga–
zine, the articles have been mos1 informa–
tive. and
appreciate tbe non-biased
reporting, especially your article on "Crisis
of the Catholic Church." I bave loaned thai
issue to a few of my Catholic friends who
have bcen unable to understand the fast
changes to lheir religion. A fcw of thesc
friends have sent for
one for your Correspondence Course.
Lucy T.
Rochester, New York
think the present issue of
TRUTH is one of your best. es pecially
the article on "Catholicism in Crisis. "
As a Catholic educator,
found the article
fair. objective, and accurate - although not
as thorough and reaching for basic causes
as it might have becn.
would like to
request that you send copies of this issue to
the following four pricsts.
tbese genlle–
men are colleagues of mine, and all o f them
will be interesled in your article. l f you care
to , you may indica1e thal tbe issue 1s sen1 al
my request. ...
Lawrence H . Brown,
Resea rch Co-ordinator,
The Collins Fo undatioo ,
Norlh Hollywood, California
Creation-Evolution Controversy
Havi ng read your article on lhe Crealioo–
Evolution Conlroversy.
have come 10
1be conclusion 1bat there is sorne trulh on
both sides of the "ba1tlefield.'' With words
onc can prove or disprove anything - lan–
guage is like a rubber band. You can stretch
il in all direclions. Eminenl scientisls on
one side and equally emi nenl thcologians
are on thc otber, and then lhere a re a few
" mutalions" in the middle accepting bits of
"evidence" from both sides.
this were a
horse race,
would place my bet on thc
horse in tbe middle - he will probably run
the best course. ...
Harriel G.,
Montreal, Canada
11 was wilh great interes t 1hat
read the
articles on c rcation-evolulio n. They were
well prepared and that is why
write now.
am currcnlly cnrollcd at California Statc
Collcge, as a Biology major, and I'm doing
sorne preliminary research o n the evoluti on
is lruly amazing how unsup–
po rted 1his new religion is.
read in my
lexts admission a fter admission that "the
evolutionary background is completely
speculative, however ..." a nd they dismiss
it as somcthing to be discovered, or not
importan t.
Ralph M.,
Bakersfield. California
Please remove me from the mailing list of
PLAIN TRUTH. WhiJe very interesting,
can no longer tind the time to read tbem.
As a devoted evolutionis t and humanist,
cannot agree with your approach to life.
While tbere is much meril to sorne of the
arguments presented, I tind that too much
unwarranted belief is used to rebutt scien–
titic data.
Josepb D ..
Cruces. New Mexico
Wise as Serpents
1 am a 16-year-old boy. and 1 would like
to read
The Missing Dimension in Sex
sorne other books about sex. Every úme
go witb sorne of the girls the same age as
have found that most of thcm are
very attractive. Sometimes sorne of thcm
cven tell me to go witb them where nobody
can see what we'll be doing. But l'm as
cunniog as a fox - tbat's what my friends
call me.
don' t go witb those girls. Sir,
picase can
have those books
would be very grateful if you would meet
my request. Thanking you in a nticipation .
Silvio D. ,
Zejtun, Malta
Meo are still the leaders in the wo rld
today. Where they lead, lhe women and
children follow.
could not help observing
tha1 in your article on prostitution, you, like
many otber writers. concentrate on the fe–
maJe. Wba t is the point in writing about the
victims1 The real prostitute is the maJe, al–
ways has been, always will be. He is the
seducer, he is the one who ravages the
innocent youog
Look at the cburches.
How many men do you see1 The churches
are filled with women. How can God
rule this p lanet when the leaders he put
o n this earth will no t go to bis bouse to
visit him? How
he instruct his leaders,
when tbey refuse to speak witb him?
Don't talk to me about there being bad
women too or there being also good men.
have heard all that befo re. Many of the
women who are bad are driven tbere by the
maJe of tbe species, and tbe good meo are a
handful. l f you really want to get Ch rist's
C hris tianity going again, then havc the for–
titude to stand up against your own species
a nd iell them they are WRONG, no1 in mild.
wishy washy words bu1 in tbe kind of force–
fui language equivalen! to Cbrist's fury at
the money changers in the temple.
Miss M. P. ,
Weston, Ontario,
Action Gets Reaction
He re is one episodc. widely appreciated
among o ur friends and relatives, which re–
fers to your recent article on smoking. One
of my very close friends was a victim of tbe
smoking babit. He was aware of the con–
sequences but could not break chain smok–
ing. We tried our leve! best 10 get him to,
but in vain . Onc day while going through
your magazine.
happened to see the ar–
ticle, "Who Pays When Everybody Quits?"
rushed to him, gave him 1be magazine and
we were very surprised lo see the rcaction -
he quit. Our joy knew no bounds, for which
we thank you witb a ll o ur hearts tilled witb
C. R. S..
Hyderabad, India
have just tinished reading the informa–
tive booklet,
You Can Quir Smoking.
beeo an addict since the age o f twelve. and
l 've read many ar tic les on the con–
sequences, but none has impressed so for–
cibly as this.
passing il on to another
addict in hope that he will get the message.
Could you picase send me the literature
you recommend:
The Seven Laws of Suc–
cess, The Seven Keys ro Radianr Health.
"Should a Christia n Smoke?"
T ..
Bristol. England
What You Can Do
Thank you fo r you r " tip" on ta lking back
10 your TV. The American newspapers and
TV stations get sorne kind of thrill out of
pushing on tbe public nud ity. wife swapp–
ing, homoscxuality a nd abortion.
but s urely get the idea tha1 lhe typical
American mind is wallowing in the gutter
with sex and trash. When are we going lo
mobilize against the media for what they
are doing to our youth?
Detroit. Michigan
Gene ral Comments
All at borne quite enjoy reading your
magazi nes.
You see we are
kids, all sludenls, and
Dad a nd Mum tind lhe 10ughes1 time in
bringing us up - mischievous lot we are -
so Dad says we mus1 read religious maga–
zines which will help usa lot. We have got
quite a numbcr of them but we don't read
any because thcy a re all highly religious
and rather difficult to understand. One d ay
we carne across your magazine. called
PutN TRUTH. All of us. even one friend.
PLAJN TRUTH more interesting
and quite different from other magazines
which we had to read . Please send your
magazines regularly.
Prisca P..
Qu ilon. India
January 1974