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between lhe sexes are as great as lhe
analomical diss imilarities would
lead one 10 expect," says Dr. Rboda
L. Lo rand in her book,
Love, Sex
and the Teenager.
(Dr. Lorand is a
prominent female psychoanalyst
who has been practicing psycholher–
apy and psychoanalysis for over six–
leen years in New York City.) The
bas ic diffe rences qualify each sex
for a different social role. Being
mate or female has nothing to do
wilh inferiority or superiority in
worlh. Being mate or female simply
has to do with functioning in God–
intended roles because of God–
designed attributes.
God's Purpose for Women
Women were never created lo
function and be like men, different
only in physical appearance. God
did no l intend for women lo have lo
compete against men. God's origi–
nal intention was for men and
women 10
serve each other,
each ful–
filling his or her designed purpose.
Today's world is topsy turvy. Men
and women have forgotten or have
never been taught what each is re–
sponsible for. Ra ther than serving
one another in love and respect. the
sexes are too often at odds with one
another. God never intended this
unhappy si tualion.
" In the beginning God created
the heaven and the earth," we read
in G enesis
l . God had in mind a
tremendous plan. Humankind is a
major parl of lhat plan. Our loving
Crea1or had it in mind to create us
in his image to share his lremen–
dously happy. enjoyable, purpose–
ful , and a bundant life a nd ,
ultimately. to give us eterna! life.
God 's plan called for a man and
woman team. working together in
harm o n y. encouraging and
strenglhening one another. loving
and overcoming together. to pro–
duce offspring able to s ha re in his
plan for the human race.
So we read in Genesis 2:7 thal
God formed the first man Adam out
of the dust (elements) of the g round.
a living, physical entity.
In Genesis 2: 18-20 we see that
God made and gave the animals of
the earth to Adam. The animals
were to be a help to humankind by
being a source of food and clothing.
But still , Adam had nothing
humanly in common with them.
God, of course, knew this.
al! part of his plan. God intended to
create a comparable companion for
Adam. God purposed to make a
he lpmate, someone with whom
Adam could share his hopes ,
dreams, plans, feelings, and future.
And so God made woman: bone of
Adam's bone, flesh of Adam's flesh;
a human companion, a helpmate, a
wife; a potential heir with Adam of
eterna! life (Genesis 2:2 1-24).
Feminists scoff at this. They reject
the Genesis creation account of
Adam and Eve, calling it the " rib
my th." They resent it and other
scriptures which show that a woman
was created by God to be a man's
backup, his helpmate.
Perhaps feminists reject this re–
vealed knowledge because they lack
understanding. Maybe they think of
being a helpmate as only scrubbing
and waxing floors, doing dishes.
ironing, or changing diapers. But it
means much mo re than that.
volves education, intelligence, char–
acter, strength, and courage. There
is vastly more to a woman's role
than at first meets the eye.
Read the Bible's example of a
real woman, God's kind of woman.
Read Proverbs 31: l0-31.
A Woman After God's Heart
He re is a woman wo rth fa r more
than any salary or hourly wage. You
can't put a price tag on her worth,
"for her price is far above rubíes"
(verse JO).
She's a woman in whom aman or
anyone else can put complete con–
fidence and trust. She's a source of
encouragement , compan ionship,
and streng th (verses 11 - 12).
Here's a dili ge nt woman. a
woman not afraid of work, a woman
who builds on her talents, becoming
an accomplished seamstress, shop–
per, and home manager. She under–
stands how to use money wisely and
recognizes the value of property and
how to invest (verses 13-16). In ad–
dition, she has a keen sense of busi–
ness acumen, cashing in on her
talent in ta iloring (verse 24).
She has confidence. She is not
haphazard in what she does. Her
husband is known and respected
(verses 17-23). She is also regarded
in high esteem by her family: " Her
children arise up, and call her
blessed; her husband also, and he
praiseth her" (verse 28).
The Proverbs woman is a capable,
intelligent woman. She is the type of
woman God would have all women
strive to emula te.
He r husband says of her: " Many
daughters have done virtuously, but
thou excellest them all. Favour
deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a
woman that feareth the Lord, she
shall be praised" (verses 29-30).
In conclusion, it is recorded:
"Give her of the fruit of her hands;
and let her own works praise her in
the gates" (verse 31). The woman
described in Proverbs is truly a lib–
erated woman, set free of frustration
and unhappiness. She fully under–
stands what womanhood is all
God ls Fair to Women
Feminists who reject the scrip–
tures pertaining to women and a
woman's role a re rejecting the only
reliable source of information about
how to gain what they themselves
want and a re seeking. The new fem–
inist movement within society and
the churches is not going to bring
the purposeful, happy life women
want and should have.
Find out mo re about what will
really give women
and happiness. Discover more about
God's planned purpose for women.
Ask for our free bookJet
The New
. ..
Have Women Ever
Had Their Rights?