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uation ceremonies of the University
The Graod Palace (not the
Palace which is the Emperor's resi–
dence and from which he rules the
government). We were seated on the
large front platform, immediately to
the left of the dais on wbich was the
ornate gold throne where the Em–
peror was to sit, personally handing
the diplomas to each graduate.
A Jarge band was playing at the
rear. Finally the graduates marched
in, completely filling the large audi-
What Our
Readers Say
Congratulations on New Look
Permit me to congratulate you on thc
current issue. l have not read, in any of the
news magazines or prestigious publications
that feature international reporting and
analysis, anything that compares with the
depth, insight, and completeness of the
steadily eroding American relations with
present-day Europe. In addition, may 1 also
extend my congratulations to your art di–
rector for the layout, illustration, and artis–
tic merit of this issue.
lrving C.
Rego Park, New York
Pollution and M ental Heal th
1 wouJd appreciate hearing from anyone
regarding the etfects of poUution on emo–
tions and mental health, i.e., letters, case
reports, reprints, books, etc. Please send the
information to:
Claude A. Frazier, M.O. ,
4-C Doctor's Park,
Asheville, N.C. 28801
General Comments
May 1 take this opportunity to thank you
for the opportunity to read
TRUTH. l will not pretend that aU your arti–
cles are thunderbolts of truth, but sorne of
them are interesting. 1 find many things
difficult lo believe, but again 1may be look–
ing through my pride - by that
what you say sometímes cootravenes what 1
had been taught previously, or is the anti–
pode of previously held thoughts or ideas.
Gavin P.,
Gatooma, Rhodesia
1 ha
jusi finished reading a recent issue
PLAtN TRUTH. . . . Most assuredly
the truth is not plain today, but
zine does give it. Thank you for good,
thought clearing and refreshing writings.
H. Tulip-Robson,
Pinetown, Republic of South Mrica
torium. There were close to 3,000
was a very colorful ceremony.
But, with so many graduales, the
Emperor handing each individually
his diploma,
was a very long cere–
mony. On the front platform, but to
our left and farther from the throne
was the entire Board of Regents,
and on the other side Faculty and
other dignitaries. Members of the
royal family were seated immedi–
front of us. As the spectacu-
Personal from the Editor
1was particularly interested in your June
1973 art icle on "Discussing National and
World Problems with Heads of State" and
the pictures oo pages 38 and 39. As you can
see from ' the enclosed copies of Jetters, 1
was a close friend of Prioce and Priocess
Mikasa. They are very wonderful people.
This friendship was developed when 1 was
oo the staff of the Commaodiog General of
the First Cavarry Brigade at the beginning
of the "occupat10n" of Japan after World
War 11. Prince Mikasa's home was in our
sector south of Yokohama.
ShouJd you have any correspondence or
personal contact again with the Prince,
please extend my warmest regards to him
and the Princess.
Berdell L. Freeman,
LTC U. S. Army Reserve,
Rockledge, Florida
1 really enjoy the magazine. When Mr.
Armstrong says "Personal From." 1 fccl
that he talks to me only.
Brooklyo, New York
Just a note to tcll you of my appreciation
PLAIN TRUTH magazine. The Per–
sonal from Mr. Arms trong is ofsuch interes t
1a lways read it first. The current round- thc–
world trip is of s pecial interest. 1 feel in–
formed about places and people that were
formerly just names. And never missing
emphasis on the spiri tual.
Mrs. Frank A.,
Chester, Pennsylvania
am a teen-ager myself, and when 1 was
looking at your topics in the June issue, 1
ran across your article on sex. While read–
ing the article, 1 was interested in what the
moral code is that is necessary and why, so
would you please send me the free copy of
your book,
The Missing Dimension in S ex.
would appreciate it greatly, because 1
would like to acquire more information on
the subject.
Kathy K.,
Peterson, lowa
!'ve just finished reading your article on
sex. 1 enjoyed it and have always woodered
exactly how
be able to deal with my
child's questions. My parents and 1 commu–
nicated well, but never about sex. Would
you please send me a copy of your book ,
lar ceremony dragged on, an official
whispered to us that it would be
quite all right if we wished to leave,
as the ceremony would carry on for
more than another hour.
We were driven directly from the
palace to the airport, where our
crew had our plane ready for board–
ing. And there, Lo personally bid us
good-bye were the Ambassador to
India and his wife.
It was, we felt, a most profitable,
as well as enjoyable four days.
The Missing Dimension in Sex.
l'm very
interested in preparing for this point in life
before it arrives.
Mrs. Jan H.,
Austin, Texas
Would you please send me a free copy of
your book,
The Missing Dimension in
would also liJce to tell you how 1 have en–
joyed your magazines. Sorne of the articles
were controversia!. Your article, "When
Teen-agers Need to Know About Sex," 1
found this very well done. The articles on
alcoholism with adolescents again was very
well done. Your article on homosexuality,
in my opinion, places too much emphasis
on sin. 1 feel the article should have had
more pros and cons.
John M.,
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Urban llls Can Be Cured
The article in thc June Pl.AIN TRUTH
about the "Urban llls"
great, as are all
your articles! May 1 also receive the article
"An Exciting Preview of Tomorrow's
Virginia W.,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
What You Can Do
do wish
tell you exactly how much 1
PLAIN TRUTH magazine. With
three small children, about the only time 1
get to read it is when the chiJdren are sleep–
ing.... "What You Can Do" 1 have found
very helpful. Your June issue was especially
welcome. 1 have a problem of rats and was
going to put sorne " De-Con" around to get
rid of them, but thanks to your article, 1 can
get rid of the rats without using poison.
Lewisberry, Pennsylvania
The Ten Commandments
1 enjoyed all of your literature very
much. 1 thought the article about the Ten
Commandments was very good. 1 have
been a church member for about 18 years
and have always t.aken Sunday for
for the Lord's day, but after readmg the
arlicle about the Ten Commandments, 1
changed my way of thinking. 1 have
been getting your literature for about half a
year, and it has changed a Iot of my think–
Floyd B.,
Molalla, Oregon
PLAIN TRUTH Oecember 1973