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of Ethiopio extends o worm thonks to Herbert W.
Armstrong for gift presented during recent meeting ot poloce in Addis Aboba.
Naturally, 1 thanked His Majesty
very sincerely, and on returning to
the hotel, 1 rushed immediately to
my suite and put in a telephone call
to my daughter in California. On
describing it to her, she said she
would send His Majesty a telegram
of thanks immediately. It is natu–
rally quite a conversation piece, and
so far as value is concerned, price–
less. The very exquisite work was al!
done in Ethiopia, where they núne
limited quantities, and produce
sorne of the world's finest jewelry.
That evening, I hosted a reception
and dinner in a prívate room off the
lobby of our hotel in honor of the
Minister of Education, the President
of the University, the Dean of Fac–
ulties, the Head of the Institute of
PLAIN TRUTH December 1973
Ethiopian Studies, the Vice Presi–
dent for Academic Affairs, the Vice
President for Planning, and other
distinguished guests, and their wives.
On Wednesday, June 20, 1 paid a
morning visit for two or three hours
to the University. There my host
and guide was the President of the
University. We also paid a most in–
teresting visit to the embryonic mu–
seum of natural science. Later this
proved to be of special significance
at a subsequent meeting with Prince
Bernhardt of The Netherlands, hus–
band of the Queen. He has a very
active interest in the conservation
and preservation of wild life
throughout the world.
That same day, June 20th, I was
guest of honor at a
luncheon hosted by His Excellency
the Ambassador to India. He had
invited other Ambassadors. In at–
tendance were the Ambassadors
from 19 different nations, and their
wives. Included, and seated on my
left, was the very impressive–
appearing Ambassador from the
Peoples' Republic of China, who,
during the luncheon, extended an
invitation to me, Messrs. Rader and
Gotoh, and the Ethiopian Ambassa–
dor to India, to visit China for a
meeting with Premier Chou En-lai,
and possibly even Mao Tse-tung.
Also present were the Charge
d'Affaires and acting Ambassador
from West Germany, and the Am–
bassadors from Argentina, Ghana,
Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Mexico, Ni–
geria, Spain, Tbailand, Colombia,
Tanzania, and the Charge d'Affaires
from the United Kingdom and from
Yugoslavia. The Ambassador from
China, His Excellency Yu Pei Wen,
has held sorne very important posts
for bis government, including that
of Chief of Protocol in Peking.
There were severa! tables. At my
table were, besides the Chinese Am–
bassador, Mr. and Mrs. Rader, the
Ethiopian Ambassador to India,
and the wife of tbe Ambassador
from Nigeria.
1 was called upon to make a brief
address before this distinguisbed
gathering. The entire room was
buzzing with laughter and conversa–
tion - all in an exceedingly happy
mood. After making a toast to His
Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of
Ethiopia, I stated that we were gath–
ered in a World PEACE-Conference,
proving that so many people from
so many nations could gatber to–
jolly and happy friend–
ship. I spoke brietly, sorne seven or
eigbt minutes, on THE WAY to
of God's
Law, briefly proclaiming the com–
ing World of peace - the woRLD
TOMORROW- the Kingdom of God.
The following day, Thursday, was
the day of our departure, and we
were planning to be at the airport in
the early afternoon. But that morn–
ing we were the very special guests
of His Imperial Majesty at the grad-