Page 1987 - 1970S

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Tips and
Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
Ghoul s, Gobl ins and Heartache
Traditionally. HaUoween has been a special fun
evening for children. But all too often, it portends pos–
sible heartache, not real enjoyment for those who
In recent years in the United States and Canada,
the trick has been increasingly on Halloween trick-or–
treaters and not the other way around. The ghoulish
persons are turning out to be the adults handing out the
"goodies" rather than the little tykes dressed like ghouls
who go around from door to door saying, "Trick or
treat!" Instead of treats. sorne children are getting such
treacherous things as apples with needles, pins, or razor
blades concealed inside of them, candy bars laced with
razor blades, fish hooks or pins; popcom balls built
around mothballs or tacks; and candies tainted by vari–
ous legal and illegaJ drugs or even laxatives.
At this point, one might ask the logical question:
" ls Halloween really worth it?" Next. "What relation–
ship does Halloween have with Christianity and the
Bible anyway?" (Ask for our free article, ' 'Why the
Strange Customs of Halloween?'' if you wonder. lt's
worth checking into.)
In Britain, Guy Fawkes Day takes place about the
same time as Halloween, the 5th of November to be
exact. And much like Halloween, it is not without its
Every year on Guy Fawkes Day. hundreds of chil–
dren are injured by bangers. rockets, and other fire–
works. Common injuries include loss of one or both
eyes or maimed hands. And also. more and more chil–
dren become victims of molestation while going from
door to door or down the street asking for a "penny for
the Guy."
Remember that fireworks are not harmless toys,
but real explosives.
Avoid Tooth Decay
The average five-year-old in Australia has six
cavities that need filling. Sixty-two percent of all Aus–
tralians will need to wear sorne form of dentures by the
time they are forty.
In Britain, ninety percent of the children under
twelve sutfer from dental cavities. Approximately
PlAIN TRUTH October 1973
twenty-tive percent of today's British tive-year-olds will
have false teeth by the time they are twenty years
In the United States. up to ninety-eight percent of
the population is atfected by tooth decay. By age six–
teen, the average American has seven decayed, missing,
or filled teeth.
But it's not natural for anyone to have cavities or
to lose teeth! Two simple rules can help you eliminate
tooth decay and cut down on dental bilis. Here they
Cut down or cut out eating sweets a/together!
True, heredity and malnourishment are factors in tooth
decay. But, as almost everyone knows, yet is often reluc–
tant to admit, it is "ordinary table sugar" (refined white
sugar), the same sugar usually found in candy, soda pop
and other sweets, that is the leading culprit behind
much of today's tooth decay.
"The worst enemies of the teeth are the all-day
suckers. the chewy candies, and the sweetened chewing
gums. Sweetened, carbonated beverages contain con–
centrated sugars. Also. pastries and pies and cookies
should be limited. especially in those children with a
strong tendency toward tooth decay.
A sweet tooth can
ruin al/ the teeth!"
warns Dr. Benjamín F. Miller in
Complete Medica/ Guide,
Natural, unrefined sugars such as those in honey,
whole syrup, and molasses do not have the same harm–
ful etfects on teeth.
Eat we/1-balanced mea/s followed byfruit or salad.
Balanced meals maintain bodily health and keep teeth
healthy. They also eliminate a person's craving for
sweets. (Write for our free booklet
The Seven Laws of
Radiant Health
for further. vital information.) Also,
finishing meals with fruit or salad not only adds to your
health, but also helps keep your teeth clean. An inter–
esting bit of research showed, for example, that an
apple is a more effective and efficient tooth cleaner than
a toothbrush. In thirty seconds a toothbrush removed
sixty percent of the biscuit particles stuck to teeth. An
apple quarter removed ninety percent of the particles.
This is not to say that you shouldn't brush your teeth,
but on occasions and
circumstances when you can't
always brush, eating fruit or salad after meals is impor–
tan! to keep in mind.
- Potrick