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Brezhnev's "kiss" on Mr. Nixon's
cheek is not symbolic of an un–
bounded Soviet lave for tbe U. S.
President or the capitalistic system.
Brezhnev, like Nixon, is a realist,
and he and
colleagues feel less
fea r about an American finger on
the nuclear button than the finger of
certain other people.
The communists haven't suddenly
changed ideologically. They haven't
come to believe that their system is
unworkable. Neither have the com–
munists given up their hopes of
leading the world to socialism. But
they do profess that their goals can
be reached by means of peaceful
coexistence. The question remains,
however, as to whether or not two
systems which are as ideologically
different as capitalism and commu–
nism can ever really peacefully
coexist. Considering the opposed
the fields of economy, poli–
tics and religion, one must ask:
"Can two walk together, except they
be agreed?" (Amos 3:3.)
Soviets Need
U. S. Technology
Soviet Russia is well aware that
modero industrial growth and mili–
tary superiority are tied closely to
modero technology - especially
computer technology. The U.S.S.R.
also knows that the United States is
well ahead of her in this and other
advanced technological fields. The
Soviets hope to gain valuable tech–
nological assistance from the United
States by more friendly relations.
Brezhnev wants modero Russia run
by "computer communism."
And, though Russia is fabulously
wealthy in natural resources, she
knows that a severe crop failure can
send her running back to Canada or
the United States for needed grains
to feed her hungry millions.
These, in summary, are sorne of
the benefits Russian leaders hope to
receive by becoming friendly with
the United States:
security from
the United States as an ally, (2) vital
foodstuffs (which only the United
States and Canada can suppJy) and
trade and (3) advanced technology.
What does the United Sta tes hope
to receive in the way of benefits
from a closer, more friendly rela–
tionship with Russia? The United
States hopes to be able to cut down
on her back-breaking defense bud–
get. She also hopes to benefit from
trade with Russia and perhaps with
other communist countries. Further,
Americans want to be liked by the
peoples of the world, and they know
the U. S. goveroment can
oviet leaders
have no /ove for
America's capital–
istic system, but they
do feel safer with
America placated
in view of strained
relations with China,
a resurgent Western
Europe, and Japan
coming up fast on
her eastern flank.
Russia sees herself
reach an accord with Russia, this
would be hailed as a victory for the
United States.
The United States hopes better
Soviet-U. S. relations will cause
Russia to take the heat out of the
war in Southeast Asia and reduce
Mideast tensions.
many lead–
ing Americans hope better U. S.-So–
viet relations might cause Russia to
be more lenient toward letting Jews
freely emigrate to Israel.
Can They Really Get Together?
Will the United States and Russia
really settle tbeir serious ideological
a nation that professes
Cbristianity ever truly get along with
a militan
y atheistic state? Will there
even be an eventual "hot war" be–
tween the two powers?
Here is where we have to look to
the world's best seller for an answer.
For years following World War
many news analysts saw a U. S.–
Russian war as inevitable. And
many students of biblical prophecy
have taught, erroneously, that the
Bible specifically foretells a majar
war between the United States and
But the writers of
TRUTH have continued to say other–
wise. Why? Because there
nothing in the many prophecies of
the Bible that specifically says there
will be a war between the Soviet
Union and the United States.
The Bible mentions modero na–
tions, using the ancient ancestral
names of the founding fathers of
those nations. The peoples of the
United States and the British Com–
monwealth are often mentioned
Bible prophecy - but not under
their present-day names. (Write for
our free book,
The United States and
British Commonwealth in Prophecy.)
The peoples of the Soviet Union
are also mentioned in sorne of the
end-tirne prophecies. Diligent stu–
dents of Bible prophecy have known
for many years that the Bible does
prophesy that Soviet Russia will be–
come militarily involved in the
Middle East in the "end time" (see
Ezekiel 38-39). Sorne have mis–
applied those prophecies to a Rus–
sian attack on America and Britain .
Their predictions are not coming to
Bible prophecy reveals that nei–
ther Russia nor the United States
will be successful in maintaining
their respective systems. Jnstead, the
Creator God will intervene in world
affairs and set up
over the whole earth.
is only after this prophesied
event, overlooked by almost all
newscasters, takes place that the
peoples of the United States and the
Soviet Union - and all peoples -
will learn how to live in mutual trust
and in true peace and prosperity
(Micah 4: 1-4).
PLAIN TRUTH October 1973