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What Our Readers Say
. .
Forgotten American
1 commend you for your fine work on
your article about the Navajo people.
very informative, and 1 hope lhis article will
bring to light lhe many and varied prob–
lems facing the American lndian commu–
nities around this country. 1 hope you r
article will assist Mr. MacDonald in bis fine
cfforts for the tribe, and 1 am hoping the
non-lndian communities will join with him,
and others JiJee him, to pursue the much
needed opportunities for his people. l t is
me to see publications such
TRUTH shedding light on the
problems confronting this nation and par–
ticularly the first Americans. May you con–
tinue your fine efforts.
Emest S.,
Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana
Elton, Louisiana
Afler reading your article on the " For–
gouen American," 1 would like to say a few
words in favor of what our govemment
does for these people. l t is true that the
governmen t gives each family a monthly
check. But ... the man of the house too
often takes the check out and goes directly
to the bar and drinks it up before going
home; therefore he and his family suffer
unnecessarily. There is one thing 1 do
blame the govemment for. and that is for
allowiog saloons on the reservations. On
thc other hand, 1 do know that our govern–
ment builds schools and hospitals and also
staffs them for the l ndians. So 1 certainly
believe the !odian is more to blame for h1s
plight than anyone else.
Fanny E.,
Alpine, Texas
in matchless perfection - gives one
the glorious opportunity to give
God than.ks and praise and to thrill
to a sense of deep appreciation, rec–
ognition of his glorious Majesty,
and a sense of quiet worship toward
the Great Creator and Life-giver!
Yet 1 have seen visitors walk un–
interestedly through that glorious
garden, heedless, as if it were a
waste of time to stop, look in every
direction, then take two or three
steps and stop, turning in every di–
rection as an entirely new vista of
beauty unfolds before them. They
had not exercised their senses to the
point of capability of drinking in the
glorious beauty. They had cheated
themselves out of sorne of the rich,
abundant pleasure and joy that the
We both are Navajos from the Window
Rock area. . . . lt's hard to
a Navajo
lndian or part of any lndian tribe in the
U.S.A. We are glad
T RUTH real–
izes that and opens many eyes of the many
people who read about us. l t's hard to live
in the white man's ways, especially when
you don' t know how to spend or budget
your money. So 1will appreciate very much
geuing your two booklets about financing
money. Oh, we have four wonderful chil–
dren from 7 years
8 months old.
Mrs. Willie W.,
Gardena, California
The Great Gamble
Just finished reading your article on "The
Great Gamble: Next Year's Food Versus
Next Year's Harvest."
truly concemed
me inasmuch as lhis problem could cause
farnine in the United States through greed
and selfishness. Let's hope that we will use
our common sense very, very soon and con–
demn lhis kind of thinking.
Rebekah K.,
Hollywood, Cali fornia
1 agree that the U.S. govemment could
leam from Russia's mistakes. But your re–
searchers will find. upon closer examination
over a period of 100 years, that Dr. lrving
Krick does not have a record over the
years lhai is impressive.
Starting with the drought of the 1870's,
you will find from U.S. Army records that
the next major
occurred in the late
1880's and also that 11 reoccurs on the aver–
age of every 15 to 17 years in these Great
Plains. As a living witness to the last two
spells, 1 can testify that they
us to experience, if
only we are willing.
Too many get their "enjoyment"
out of corrupt and harmful rock
music - which is not really music
but a destructive
with an evil
beat; or the
of cancer-produc–
ing tobacco smoke (you
can 't
smoke, regardless of false advertis–
ing claims) - or sensations pro–
duced by drugs that lead to
addiction - or sights (pornography
for example), smells, sounds and
other nerve-sensations used in a
temporarily pleasing way, but with a
harmful kickback. In the end, these
evil uses of tbe five senses destroy
the capacity for real enjoyment and
joy, invigorating living, happiness
and the abundant life!
were between 1952 and 1957 and from 1967
1971. By this projection, the next drought
is not due until the early 1980's, no mauer
what Krick thinks.
for your statement
that "The United States has had bumper
wheat crops for severa! years running" you
seem to have forgotten the Soulhern Plains
crop failure of 1971, though you did men–
tion it midway down the center column of
the same page.
Evan C. K.•
Brewster, Kansas
In 1946 Dr. Krick predicted the drought
of the early .fifties. In 1969 he predicted the
1971 drought. No one is perfect, of course,
but Dr. Krick has done we/1 in predicting
drought cycles. You are right about the cy–
c/es occurring every 15 to 20 years, but 1969
was not a dry year. Check the National Oce–
aníc and Atmospheric Admínístration rec–
ords. There was indeed a U.S. Southern
Plains wheat fallure in /971, but bumper
wheat crops in other oreas ofthe nation made
up the difference.
Modern "Christianity"
For years, 1 have been an avid reader of
your fine publications. Your article appear–
mg in a recent edition, "Modero 'Christian–
ity' Versus Christ" was hard hitting. Many
"confess Jesus Christ," but he is the least
known of all personages. Most people
know more about King Tut. What is the
answer? We are a literate people. We are
snowed under by books of all kinds - and
there is a public library on almost every
comer. Why all this ignorance?
faith in
(Continued on page 40)
The Eterna! God has placed it in
my power to spread a little of the
truly good news that is turning
thousands and thousands of Hves
Let me add, befor e clos ing:
People, as a whole, have shown they
listen to, heed nor follow
that would make them
happy, prosperous; and radiant. But
soon the great God is going to re–
vea! himself to a defiant humanity
- and if it must be
human rebellion and defiance, he
and by
this stub–
born humanity to learn what true
happiness is and bring us world
peace and prosperity, in spite of
ourselves. O
PLAIN TRUTH September 1973