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made that a life-long goal , and the
promise of Christ was kept in due
Jesus Christ said,
am come that
they might have life, and that they
núght have it
(John 10: 10). In fact, the Bible reve–
lation shows that more abundan!
al/ eternity
is the very pur–
pose for which humanity was put on
Revelation tells those who will
give heed that God willed humanity
to be economically prosperous. God
wiUed humans to be in good health.
He willed that we might learn the
way to peace, happiness, joy.
God willed that we should, with
God's revealed knowledge, exercise
our five senses to discern what is the
right and good use and avoid the
evil. That is. to discern what sounds
are pleasurably uplifting, whole–
some and good; and what sounds
are degrading, harmful, or exces–
sively nerve-jarring (see Hebrews
5: 14). God willed that we should
learn with revealed knowledge what
leads to pleasurable, comfortable,
continuously interesting, reward–
ingly productive, st imulating, in–
spiring, always upbuilding - never
destructive or harmful - living,
having it more abundantly and
richly; and that we receive t he
of eternal life and have
Let me illustrate. This "Personal"
was begun in Tokyo and was fin–
ished in England on our Ambassa–
dor College campus. It had to be
written considerably in advance of
publication, so that it could appear
on schedule in all five language edi–
tions of
TRUTH. Before
writing the above, I had just re–
turned to my typewriter from a
stroll through the indescribably
beautiful Japanese garden on this
The garden reaches its
tiful state in mid-May. Here is
breath-taking beauty to be enjoyed
- to give delightful pleasure
through the sense of sight. Whether
PLAIN TRUTH September 1973
of India ex tends a warm welcome to Herbert W. A rmstrong
on M r. Armstrong's recent trip to Asia.
or not color is supposed to belong in
a Japanese garden, this garden was
blooming profusely with various
beautiful shades of azaleas and
other beautiful flowers , with a back–
drop of rhododendrons just begin–
ning to pop out in lush profusion.
This was all blended with various
shades of green and framed with a
background of beautiful, taU trees
that had taken 60 to 100 years to
grow. All through this garden are
various shapes and sizes of rare con–
icals, dwarf Japanese plants and
rock plants, with a gentle stream
winding its way through the middle
of the garden.
Here is something very rare, to
give intense pleasure through the
sense of sight - provided one has
learned to exercise with full appre–
ciation that sense. Combined with
the fragrance to delight the sense of
smell is the gentle rippling of the
brook over rocks and minute falls to
add enjoyment through the sense of
Here was a delight to three of the
five senses that is not only enjoyable
to the point of ecstasy, but also is
uplifting and inspiring as well.
There was an example of God's
matchless power as the Great De–
signer. The magnificence of the very
forms and shapes - the designs of
the plants, shrubs, flowers, and trees