Page 1771 - 1970S

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Still Growing
is hard to understand that
othe rs are folding and you are still going
strong with no charge.
Roberi S..
Minneapolis. Minnesota
magazine has tinally died aftcr los–
ing ten million dollars a year fo r about thc
last seven years . But
marching onward and upward!
John Paul
1. ,
Walpole. Massachusetts
Makes the Bible Plain
I bave been a PLAJN TRUTH subscriber
for severa! years. h has cleared up many
personal things for me. ... The way you ex–
plain the Bible in
it so simp le anyone can understand. We
want the word of God used in our daily
lives, and you explain it so that we can.
Andrew and Bonnie
Sparta. Tennessee
Gene ral Comments
1 am ao Indiana State Policeman and
presently assigned as the Public lnforma–
tion Officer for my local district. This posi–
tion requ ires giving ialks
d ifferent organizations and school groups
on po lice related matters such as drugs, safe
driving, etc. A friend of mine provided me
wi th severa! past editions of your maga–
PLAIN TRUTH. The various arti–
clcs conta ined in your very in formative and
instructiona l magazine have preven benefi–
cia! to me in present problems. 1shou ld like
very much to get on your mai ling list in or–
der to receive your magazines myself. In
these troubled times it is essentialto present
the plain truth on matters of consequence,
and 1 think your magazine does precisely
that. Thank you for your consideration.
Tpr. Paul M.,
Evansville, Ind iana
1 recently carne across your magazine in
a strange way. While doing my weekly
wash at a laundromat. someone had
brought in a huge stack of PLAIN TRUTH
magazines. They were going to be tbrown
away by the attendant that cleans there. so l
asked if 1 could take them borne. This man
will never know how much in riches he was
throwing away. 1 am beld spellbound a r–
ticle after article. my children have read
tbem and so has my husband. We definitely
want this magazine in our home. How is it
possible? We canno t lind how to subscribe,
so will you p icase
us know how we can
continue toread these articles every mooth?
l'm so glad there are still items people can
bring into their homes that are a pleasure to
read and certain ly the plain truth.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale M.,
Ord. Nebraska
See inside front cover .for address.
have been receiving your PLAIN TRu·rH
magazine since sometime in 1948. 1 was
thrashed about from hospi ta l
wi th tuberculosis. hope less case. reponed
dead three times. 1 am now 75 years old.
living a full life. work ing with a lady on ly
less than four months older than myself
and med ica[ science says 1 have less than
30% breathing capaci ty in my lungs due
scars on lungs. Just a few lines of my test i–
mony. The point is your magazine back
then gave me courage to fight and knowl–
edge of whom to trust for my healing.
Thank God for you and your work .
Sophie C..
Livings ton. Tennessee
I am a zea lous reade r of the magazine
PLAIN TRUTH, and I want to tell you
that 1 am thankful for your sending it to me
which 1 appreciate very much. As an alien
who carne to lhe United States from a
Communist-ruled country in Europe. 1 find
your dealing wilh political, religious, social
and other issues - uo like the massive de–
ceitfu l propaganda in the Communist
world - not ooly based on truthfu lness. but
at the same time fraugh t with bope and en–
couragement for a beuer world . Thanks to
you fo r that!
Francis S..
Newton Center. Massachusetts
Capital Punishment
1 cannot stress how much
your send ing me your PLAIN TRUTH maga–
zine. 1 was reading an article on Capita l
Punishment in your magazine and
admit that it left me wi th more
about than the article on Capita l Punish–
ment that l read in the
Daily Mail.
PLAtN TRUTH is nol only a maga–
zine of understand ing, but (as 1 may de–
a very accurate and lruthfu l
(news) magazine of understanding.
Edwin N..
Republic of South Africa
No Subscription Price
1 have just recen
y received my first copy
Pl.AtN TRUTH and am amazed 1 have
not received a bill for it. 1 have enjoyed my
firs l issue and am looking forward to re-
ceiving more.
Ralph M..
Manchester, Maryland
Our fami ly has received
TRUTH magazine for a year now and
haven't once been billed for the subscrip–
tion. We thank you very much for your
generosity, and wou.ld like to make a small
donation to your wonderful cause.
Dean B..
Kokomo. Ind iana
Thank you.for helping us
help others.
.. . brings you a
complete understanding
of the really BIG ISSUES
facing the world
in whtch you live.
He tells you WHY drugs,
violence, crime, war
and marital unhappiness.
He gives you
the solu tions.
For times of broadcasts
available in your area, con–
sult your local paper or wri te
to the editor at the address
lis ted on t he ins ide front