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Personal from
(Continued from page 2)
overthrow Caesar, as they thought.
"My kingdom," he said, "is not of
this world:
my kingdom were of
this world, then would my servants
fight, that I should not be delivered
Jews: but now is my
not from hence," that is, not from
"here," or from "this time."
Read what the prophet Isaiah
wrote about the birth and purpose
ofthe Messiah: "For unto usa child
is bom, unto us a son is given: and
the government shall be upon bis
shoulder, and his name shall be
caUed Wonderful, Counsellor, The
mighty God, The everlasting
Father, The Prince of Peace." That's
talking ofChrist. "Of the increase of
his govemment and peace there
shall be no end, upon the throne of
David, and upon bis kingdom, to or–
der it , and to establish it wüh
judgment and with justice from
henceforth even for ever. The zeal
of the Lord of hosts will perform
this" (Isaiah 9:6-7). That was a
prophecy recorded in the Old Testa–
Now, notice Revelation 11 :15:
"And the seventh angel sounded
[blew a trumpet]; and there were
great voices in heaven, saying, The
kingdoms of this world
the gov–
emments of this world - Russia,
China, the United States, Japan, In–
donesia, the govemments of Eu–
rope, etc.] are become the kingdoms
of our Lord, and of his Christ; and
he shall reign for ever and ever."
This great event climaxes the
end oj
an age
the end of man's rule, and
the beginning of divine rule on this
earth by Jesus Christ!
Christ's actual return is pictured
in symbol in Revelation 19:
"And I saw heaven opened, and be–
hold a white horse; and he that sat
What Our Readers
Plain Truth Circulation lncreases
Having received the fourlh copy of this
excellent publication, 1am not surprised lo
note a circulation increase of nearly 80,000
in such a short span.
arouses an awareness
the vital impor–
tance of lhe true purpose in life, lhereby
imparting meaning to the existence of man–
kind. lf this means of global communica–
lion had been available cenluries ago, we
must surely have achieved a different worl.d
R. W. B.,
A Human Experience Magazine
After the Civil War in my country of Ni–
geria, and having suffered all sorts of losses
- .including most members of my family
and my property - 1 became depressed and
almost lost all reason for existence.
But by constantly reading
TRUTH and sorne of your booklets, I can
now say lhat life means a lot to me!
L. C. Agbakoba,
Ministry of Informalion
Home Atrairs,
Onitsha, Nigeria
Your publication
really inspiring reading. The tille itself tells
al!. I was surprised at the straight-forward
way lbe writers dealt with each subject and
the real understanding they have of the
problems of our world - witbout leaving
out such importan! things as morals and
God, as is so often the case today.
E. E.,
Gosport, Hants.
1 think it is a fair comment lo say thal if
your articles were somewbal less con–
descending towards young people the tone
and quality of your magazine would be
D. Z.,
Newcastle, Staffs.
World Government
1 no longer wish to be sent
TRUTII monthly. Thank you very much for
sending me what is a very well-produced
upon him was called Faithful and
True, and in righteousness he doth
judge and make war." Continue
with verse 15, "And out of his
mouth goeth a sharp sword, that
he should smite the nations:
and be shall rule them with a rod of
The sharp sword is the Word of
God which cuts us because
magazine. Whilsl I have found myself very
much in sympathy wilh your articles on
many importan! moral and social issues,
your views on issues of vital political im–
portance and your acceptance of lhe
heinous implications of World Govern–
ment, 1 find totally unacceptable.
M. J. S. ,
"Heinous" only
imposed on men by
men. Humanily has historically proved in–
capable of equitab/e and just government.
The coming world government wi/1 be a
not a human
Please read the "Personal from the Editor,"
page 1 of this issue.
Why No Peace?
l have just read through my first copy of
PLAIN TRUTH. 1 congralulate you on
every article in it, but l have to ask sorne
questions on the article "Why No Peace on
Earth." You said we will never achieve
peace inlernationally, nationally, ecolog–
ically; collectively or personally, until we
first eslablish peace with God.... And on
His terms, not ours. But what about us
Communists who do not believe in God
and do not accept the Bible?
Wouldyou believe in God
His existence
could be demonstrated? Write for our booklet
Does God Exist?
Your article titled "Wby No Peace on
Earth?" in the December, 1972, issue of
PLAIN TRUTH is the essence of human
integrity. As a graduate of Boston Univer–
sity, 1954, it is truly the best article 1 have
ever read in my life.
Since World War Two, 1 have seen my
own family and relatives tom by separa–
tion, divorce, suicide, and countless epi–
sodes of interna! and externa! strife in our
precocious degenerating society.
1 wish everyone in the world could read
and understand your arlicle. Then the
masses of people would slowly. but even–
tually , head
one direction - World
Peace! Please send me your free booklet,
Does God Exist?
Edward W.,
Coventry, Rhode lsland
rects and shows us the mistakes all
humanity has been making, and
gives us the truth. lt's not a sword of
steel. He's not coming to hurt or in–
jure people. He's coming with this
sword out of his mouth to rule all
nations and to point the way to uni–
versal happiness and peace, and to
give us eterna! life and abundance
forever and ever.
PLAIN TRUTH April 1973