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What Do You Mean ...
Doomsdayers and fa/se prophets hove predided
the "end of the world" for centuries. But never
was there an era like the 20th century. Could our
generation indeed be witness to the close of an
have apocalyp–
tic visions and scenarios of
future calamities been more
rife. Theologians and scientists alike
have vividly described what could
be "the ultimate holocaust."
Nuclear scientists warn that life
could be annihilated in a thermonu–
clear war. Others cry out that man–
kind threatens the biosphere with
pollution. Global population pres–
sure itself portends dire famine, pes–
tilence. and "food wars."
Could we be living at the end of
PLAIN TRUTH April 1973
hyWilliam F. Dankenbring
an age? Could our generation be in
the Biblical "time of the end," the
"last days," mentioned so many
times by the Biblical prophets?
Could our generation witness an
event foretold in the Bible - "the
second coming of Jesus Christ"?
The Apocal ypse Anticipated
Today, interest in the unknown,
the occult, and the future of world
skyrocketing. A spate of
new books have been written pur–
porting to describe the future:
Beginning of the End, The Late
Greal Planel Earth,
What To
Do Ti// the Messiah Comes.
The Return of Christ, End of
Days 1971-2001,
Toward a
Theology for the Future
further fue!
the growing interest of the public in
tlüs topic.
Bumper stickers in the United
States are proliferating with such
messages as "If I'm Raptured, Take
the Wheel," and "Guess Who's
Coming Again!"
This current resurgence of popu-