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ashes," God, as the context shows,
"condemned them with an over–
throw, makíng them an ensample
(example] unto those that after
should live ungodly" (II Peter 2:6).
"Gay" churches and homosexuals
who profess Christianity ignore thís
awesome account of Sodom and
Gomorrah, of course. They reason
that homosexuals should marry and
not be promiscuous like the meo of
Sodom, or like heterosexuals who
commit fornication and adultery.
What about so-called homosexual
marriages or even a homosexual
marriage that stayed intact twenty–
six years as claimed by one homo–
sexual couple?
Jesus said about true marriage,
"Have ye not read, that he which
made them at the beginning made
them maJe and female, and said,
For this cause shall a man leave
father and mother, and shall cleave
to his wife: and they twain shall be
one flesh?" (Matthew 19:4-5.) ·
Marriage is between a man and a
woman, not between two meo or
two women. Sex belongs in mar–
riage, as the Bible plainly reveals,
and should be between a man and
bis wife, not between two meo or
two women!
Sex any other way is unnatural,
and sinful, bringing on penalties
now (a seared mind; often a dis–
organized, unhappy, lonely, frus–
trated, empty lífe; no true mate; no
children, no grandchildren; futility;
a life often ending in suicide) and a
fina l penalty of eterna! death! Read
it in Romans 1:24-32.
The apostle Paul was inspired by
God to warn:
not be deceived
(misled); neither the impure and
immora1, nor idolaters, nor adulter–
nor cheats -
swindlers and thieves; nor greedy
graspers, nor drunkards, nor foul–
mouthed revilers and s1anderers,
nor extortioners and robbers wi ll in–
heril or have any share in the kíng–
dom of God" (I Corinthians 6:9-10,
The Amplified Bible).
Hope for Homosexuals?
God plainly condemns homosex–
uality as sin! "All have sinned, and
come short of the glory of God"
(Romans 3:23). "If we say that we
have not sinned, we make him a
liar, and his word is not in us"
(1 John 1: 10). But does this mean
that a homosexual ís without hope?
No. God makes it very clear that
hope for the homosexual
just as tbere is hope for the fornica–
tor, the adulterer, the liar - for
everyone who repents of bis or her
God is "merciful and gracious,
longsuffering, and abundant in
goodness and truth, keeping merey
for thousands, forgiving iniquity
and transgressíon and sin" (Exodus
The humiliated woman taken in
the very act of adultery - a sinful
heterosexual act - was forgiven by
Jesus. He told her never to do it
again (John 8:3-11 , especially verse
One must be will ing to acknowl–
edge sin, witling to see how evil it is
in God's sight, and wílling to
change, to
stop sinning
to do what
is right. God wants that. He ís
ing to help when he is asked,
person really desires to quit sinning
and to do what is right before Him.
Even as deeply entrenched psycho–
logically as the sin of homosexuality
is, it can be forgíven and dis–
continued. "With God all things are
possible" (Matthew 19:26).
Homosexuals practicing homo–
sexuality for years have made thís
change. It can be done. One roan, a
confirmed homosexual for twenty
years, is now complelely hetero–
sexual. He is married and has sev–
era! children.
As a one-lime homosexual ex–
plained, giving up homosexuality
involves completely giving up the
homosexual way of living. There
must be a total split away from ho–
mosexual friends. Visits to "gay"
bars and known "gay" hangouts
have lo cease. A whole new sel of
acquaintances must be developed.
Homosexual thoughts have to be re–
j ected and expelled from the mind.
In order lo make this change, it may
be necessary to move to another
area or another city to begin lífe
Wi th the change comes a new–
found, guilt-free conscience, a way
of life without kickbacks and an up–
right way of life free of sin.
Chrislians are commanded by
God to make lhis change, whalever
the past sin.
is erroneous to claim,
as sorne do, that "God called me
that way" - meaning as a homosex–
ual, a fornicator, an adulterer. Ac–
cording to this falacious reasoning,
homosexuality is acceptable, forni–
cation is acceptable, adultery is ac–
ceptable. Absolutely oot!
Christians are told to put off the
"former cooversatíon (conduct]
... whích is corrupt according to the
deceitful lusts; and be renewed
the spiríl of your mind; and that ye
put on lhe new man, which after
God is created
righteousness and
true holiness" (Ephesians 4:22-24).
Sorne of the very people that lhe
apostle Paul was writing to in the
Coriothian Church had once been
homosexuals themselves: "And sucb
were sorne of you" (1 Corinthians
6: 11 ). They had repented of their
homosexuality. They had changed,
been forgiven through Christ, and
had become Christians. They did
not continue being homosexuals!
Homosexua1s can repent, can
change, can
practicing homo–
sexuality, and can have their homo–
sexual pasts completely blotted out.
Ask for our article "What Is Real
A repentant homosexual can
become a Christian, but not a ho–
mosexual Christian!
The acceptance of homosexuality
is a sign of moral sickness and decay
- theologically, nationally, and in–
dividually. It
time we called a bah
to th is toboggan slide into sin and
PlAIN TRUTH April 1973