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derstanding the Bible. And that is,
never attempt to read into a passage
what it doesn't clearly say. If you
run across a perplexing scripture,
don't immediately begin to search
your own mind for a possible ex–
The key to understanding diffi–
cult passages, whether on prophecy,
or various Biblical symbols, is first
of all to read the passage
in context.
Never try to lift it out of its Biblical
setting and study it in isolation.
Various symbols and prophecies
may be explained more fully in
other portions of the Bible.
The apostle Peter was faced with
people who misinterpreted the Bible
in his day, so he wrote: "First of all
you must understand this, that no
prophecy of scripture is a roatter of
own interpreta/ion,
because no
prophecy ever carne by the impulse
ofman, but roen moved by the Holy
Spirit spoke from God" (II Peter
l :20-21, RSV).
The whole point is this: The Bible
interprets the Bible.
reveals the
meaning and explanation of its own
symbols, figures of speech, alle–
gories, and prophecies.
Avoid Tunnel V ision
Another mistake many Bible stu–
dents make is that they forro an
opinion on a topic without studying
the scattered scriptures which are
relevant to the subject. Froro just a
few verses in one part of the Bible,
they may gain a wrong impression
because of the slant they have put
on those verses.
A scientist, before he formulates a
hypothesis, researches all the avail–
able literature on the subject. He
studies all the relevant items, roar–
shals and assembles his data, and
then proceeds to interpret that data.
If he has only
data, however,
his conclusions will, most likely, be
in error.
is with Bible study. When
you examine or study a particular
subject in the Bible, gather all the
relevant scriptures on the subject -
all the Bíblica! facts, data, and infor–
mation available - and then, put–
ting it all together , draw your
conclusions. If you fail to do this,
you have only yourself to blame for
any errors you fall into.
The Big Test
Finally, and most important - if
you desire to understand the Bible,
you must be willing to obey the
words ofyour Creator. You must be
willing to live by His instructions to
Isaiah the prophet wrote, "Yet I
will look with pity on the man who
has a humble and a contrite heart,
who trembles at my word" (lsaiah
The Living Bible).
Sorne of tbe prophecies of Daniel,
for instance, seem very obscure and
complex. Daniel himself was not
allowed to understand the meaning
of certain things revealed to him. He
was told, "Go now, Daniel, for what
1 have said is not to be understood
the time of the end. Many shall
be purified by great trials and per–
secutions. But the wicked shall con–
tinue in their wickedness, and none
of them shall understand.
wbo are
willing to /earn
know what it means" (Daniel 12:9-
The Living Bible).
David put it this way: "How can
roen be wise? The only way to begin
is by reverence for God. For growth
in wisdom comes from obeying bis
laws. Praise his name forever"
(Psalm 111:10,
The Living Bible).
To understand the Bible is to
obey it and to live by it. But if you
ever reject what you see in the Bible,
if you ever cease to live by it, then
what knowledge you have gained
will slip away. You willlose the un–
derstanding and knowledge that
was once yours.
Why is this? Simply because the
Bible is a spiritual book. And car–
nal, rebellious minds without God's
Spirit cannot comprehend spiritual
truths. To the carnal mind, spiritual
truths seem foolish. lt cannot take
them in, digest them, and grasp
them (see
Corinthians 2: 10-14).
Once you begin to put these steps
into practice. you will find the Bible
coming alive to you. You will find it
filled with interesting and mean–
ingful knowledge of vital signifi–
cance to your life and the age in
which we live.
The Bible, very likeJy, will com–
pletely change your life, as it did
mine, about fifteen years ago!
Your Next Step
To help you in your study of this
challenging book, Ambassador Col–
lege has created a unique in-the–
home instruction program for those
interested in studying and under–
standing what the Bible says. You
can write to the editor of this maga–
zine, at one of the addresses listed
on the inside front cover, and ask to
be enrolled in the
Ambassador Col–
lege Correspondence Course.
is no cost.
This fascinating course makes the
Bible vibrant witb interest, mean–
ing, significance, and relevance. It
poses and delves into the big ques–
tions of life - showing what the
Bible says in answer.
such topics as: Why human life?
Where are we headed? What does
the Bible reveal about the future?
What is the purpose for your draw–
ing breath?
Also, questions regarding heaven,
hell, the soul, salvation, deatb, and
prophecy are explored - and an–
swered straight from the Bible.
you are interested
the Bible, you cannot afford to be
without this unique correspondence
And if you follow the keys of
Bible study outlined in this article,
then your own life will be enriched
and blessed far above expectations.
Your who1e life will be challenged,
changed, and you
the exhilaration of Iearning truths
hidden from millions throughout
the ages of human history.
is entirely up to you.
PLAIN TRUTH March 1973