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And with your wisdom, develop
cornmon sense and good judgment"
(Proverbs 4:7).
If this is the attitude you have or
the reason you study the Bible, then
your life will be profited immeasur–
ably, as many meo of business have
Another Key to Understanding
Even with the right approach and
goal, there is another vital key to
Bible understanding.
is revealed
in the Bible itself.
One hot day, an Ethiopian was
riding in a caravan across the Ju–
dean desert. He was passing the
time by reading from the scroll of
the prophet Isaiah. He was per–
plexed. He could not make out what
the prophet was really writ ing
At this juncture, Philip ran up to
his chariot and asked, "Do you un–
derstand what you are reading?"
The befuddled Ethiopian official
replied, "How can 1, unless sorne
one guides me?" He then read a
passage of Isaiah aloud to Phil ip
and asked, "About whom, pray,
does the prophet say this, about
himself or about sorne one else?"
(See Acts 8:30-34.)
Philip, in response, explained the
whole passage to him.
Why is this incident recorded in
Age - Whot Oa.s ft
the book of Acts? The answer is
simple. Sometimes you will not en–
tirely understand a certain passage
of Scripture, so in order to fully
grasp the meaning, you will need
someone who a lready understands
the passage to explain it logically
and sensibly to you.
But since there are so many dif–
ferent interpretations of the Bible
and its contents, you must be very
careful to check up on whatever you
read, or a re told, and to compare it
with what the Bible really says.
Take nothing for granted, until you
clearly see what's in the Bible. Don't
rush to false conclusions.
This brings up the next key to un-