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ing. Thar cause is broken law. We
ro realize rhat God ser in
force, at crearion, inexorable laws, in–
eludi ng basic spi ri cual principies
summed up in che Ten Command–
menrs - and even health laws -
which are violared when one smokes.
(For a more thorough explanarion of
che hazards of smoking, write for a
free copy of our booklet,
You Can
Quit Smoking
and che anide "Should
a Christian Smoke?")
How the Problem
Will Be Solved
The unlikely "whac-if-everyone–
quic-smoking" situacion will chen be–
a factor co be dealr with when
God is forced co intervene in man's
affairs co save him from himself.
Formerly cheorerical quesrions, sucb
as which agricultura! reforms co make
or how co make former cobacco re–
gions profirable, will become real-life
problems - and will demand solu–
Buc don'c imagine rhac simply be–
cause God is going ro terminare rhe
"hands otr' policy He has been fol–
lowing for approximarely six rhou–
sand years chac men are going co
appreciace what He will do. God's
way of doing chings will somehow
seem unaccractive and noc be che way
which seems righr ro follow.
lt's noc rhac mankind is noc
of solving che problem on
ics own. Given enough time, human–
ity can rackJe almosr any physical
problem and
out on cop. Unfor–
runarely, however, rhere are many
problems which could be solved bur
aren'r - because of rhe all-coo-human
characrerisric of self-grarificarion,
even when rhe results are negarive.
Mosr people realize che use of to–
bacco is bad for rhem physically, even
rhough rhey claim co enjoy it. Sorne
realize rhat rhe use of it is wrong on a
spirirual basis. Yer ro do away with
such a viral agriculrural induscry, even
rhough ir is based on a bad habir -
and co solve rhe resulring economic
problems - is a more difficult and fi–
nancially less rewarding course rhan
ro simply conrinue as is. A concerned
governmenr, for instance, could offer
financia! assisrance for che educarion
of former robacco farmers ro help
rhem learn new methods and prac–
rices necessary in order ro converr ro
anorher rype of agriculrure suitable co
rhe areas involved. But chis type of re–
medial action would involve unselfish
efforr and expense - and rhat goes
conrrary ro human nature.