Page 1609 - 1970S

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bacco exponer, ir is also rhe rhird
largesr imponer of robacco - much
of which is used in domesric ciga–
recres co improve rhe blend of ro–
The domesric American marker, in
facc, is by far che world 's largesr. Ac–
cording co figures put out by che To–
bacco Insrirure in Washington, D.C.,
rhe coral U. S. consumprion of ro–
bacco produces (induding overseas
armed forces personnel) was chis:
• over 555 billion cigarerres,
• abouc 7.8 bill ion domesric
and imporred cigars a nd
cigaril los,
• abour 70 m illion pounds of
smoking robacco,
• over 71.8 million pounds of
chewing robacco,
• abour 26.6 million pounds of
In cerms of manpower, robacco
manufacturers employ abour 720,100
men and women. This is only a small
percenrage of rhe overall work force
of rhe Uniced Sraces, bue iris concen–
crared in cerrain arcas conraining ap–
proximarely 200 robacco produces'
faccories. In addicion, rhere are 200 li-
censed warehouses which srore ciga–
rerres, cigars and orher robacco
produces befare shipmenr.
Tobacco is obviously big business,
wirhour which chousands of people,
and even rhe economies of narions,
would suffer.
Mountains vs. Molehills
Such dire predicrions of economic,
social and agricultura! disascer, how–
ever, seem a lürle our of place in lighr
of rhe presem siruarion. The cobacco
industry has rarely been more pros–
perous than at presen r. To predice
g loom and doom on rhe "what if"
chance of robacco's demise seems ro
be crearing a mounrainous problem
where, in reali ry, only a molehill ex–
In facr, such a siruacion would
probably never even occur unless co–
bacco were banned complerely by
sorne sorr of unprecedenred govern–
menral order - a highly unlikely oc–
currence. Even rhough rhe use of
cobacco is physically damaging and
porencially harmful spiri tually, ir
would cake a powerful for<:e ro ger
heavy users "unhooked," even
chough many would acrually like ro
quir. J usc cake a look ar how licde
change rhe U. S. Surgeon General's
repares and ocher ancismoking cam–
paigns have produced. Cerrainly, mil–
lions of people have given up che
habic. Buc che percencages of rhose
who quic in comparison ro those who
don'r are small and are hardly enough
ro counreracr che increasing numbers
of persons raking up smoking.
In view of chese fac es, ir is hard ro
believe char rhere accually will come a
time when everyone will quit smok–
ing. Buc, as utterly ridicu lous as ic
may sound, thar ís precísely whac is
going ro happen. A new age is abouc
ro dawn - an age of peace in which
man will be confronred wirh che laws
which regulare his Jife, buc which he
presenrly ignores - God's laws! You
may nor believe ir now bur in rhis
very generarían man is going ro learn
that chere is a reason for all his suffer-
This field of tobacco is located in north–
central Kentucky, heart of the burley tobacco region. Tobacco is the sole or signifi–
cant source of income for t he fa rmers in. this oreo.
George- Ploin Truth Photo