Page 1583 - 1970S

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Ambassador is unique cven among
insrirurions wirh a philosophical or
rheological benc. Life here is incer–
esring. A spirit of rrue inrellectual
freedom - unshackled from rradition
- and an armosphere of learning ro
live pervade.
The Ambassador morco is:
ture True Vaiues."
We make rhar
on che rhree campuses of
Ambassador College!
Type of Instruction
Srudenc enrollmenr at each of our
campuses is purposely kepr relarively
small. Ambassador consequendy of–
fers many advanrages in a person–
alized rype of insrrucrion and counsel
rhar is almosr nonexisrcnr in che large
universiry or college.
Srudenrs are noc jusr compurerized
numbers. They are individual human
beings known and rreared as such by
rhe faculry and scaff of che college -
severa! of whom will usual!y become
friends and associaces of a rypical Am–
bassador srudent by graduation time.
Excellent training is provided in
the area of public speaking, for ex–
ample. For in addirion ro very prac–
tica! and personalized insrrucrion in
formal speech courses, special afrer–
dinner speech clubs are a basic Am–
bassador acrivity. The men's speech
clubs are pacterned afrer che Toasc–
masrer's Inrernarional Clubs. They
Ambassador College promotes a fami ly atmosphere.
Here the enti re student body enjoys one of the college's annual beach porties neor
the Pasadena campus.
Ploin Trutl>
have proved a mosr srimularing and
enjoyable adjunct ro che speech de–
Srudent parriciparion in such
sports as basketball, rennis, crack,
swimming and water polo is high,
and many an exciring lasr quarrer or
overrime period in a hard-foughr bas–
ketbal l game emblazons irself in sru–
denr memories.
The campus bands participare in
numerous srudenr funcrions, and
members journey
oudying Ameri–
can and Canadian ciries
in rhe inspiring personal appearance
engagemenrs of Garner Ted Arm–
srrong. Ambassador Chorale members
also join in rhesc and orher exciring
crips. College singing groups are a
source of inspiracion and enjoymenc
many rhousands of people - and
cerrainly ro rhe srudenrs rhemselves.
A Look at Outstanding
Ambassador College has a bur–
geoning building program. Beauriful
new dormirories, dining facilities and
an outstanding gymnasium have been
complered. High-quali ty cennis courrs
and fine arhlecic fields add ro the en–
joymenr of rhe full srudenc life.
The parent campus ar Pasadena is
locared within a few miles of sorne of
the narion's grear libraries, rwo
world-famous asrronomical observa–
rocíes, famous gal leries and museums,
and oursranding rechnical institutions
wbere imporranr research projecrs are
operarion. Jusr lasr nighr,
rhe aurhor accompanied a group of
our Pasadena srudenrs on a visir ro
rhe ser of a wel l-known relevision
show. Educacional and recrearional
opporruniries abound in nearby Hol–
lywood and Los Angeles - and rhe
beach and mounrains are siruared near
our Pasadena campus.
Si ruared in rhe beauriful "Green
Belc" jusr north of London, our
English campus provides a peacefu l
atmosphere for ourdoor sporrs and
counrry living. Train connecrions
(less than half a mile from rhe cam-