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immediare, coral wirhdrawal; Presi–
denr Nixon has promised an "honor–
able senlemen r."
Also in rhe sporlighr are rhe fragile
economy and whar ro do abour ir, che
sensirive marree of bussing ro achieve
racial incegrarion in rhe scbools,
urban crime and decay, rax reform
and so on. Presidencial aspiranrs have
sought ro appear as rhough each
alone has rhe ralenr and foresighr ro
bind up all these problems and make
rhe vorers happy.
Where Are the
Bur does anyone bave all che
needed ralents and foresighr? Did rhe
convenrions supply rhe rrained lcad–
ersbip and platform needed ro
co grips wirh rhe really big problems
of life?
Again, one wonders.
Back in Miami Beach, Florida,
where was rhe rime raken ro hit on
rhe roor cause of poverry? Or ro face
up ro che source of famjJy breakdown
and domesric srrife?
And rarher than
sobered by rhc
jarring facr rhar che Unired States, che
grearesr single nation rhe world has
ever seen, has lose its sense of nacional
self-respect and irs pride in its own
grearness, we were rold by many how
rhe nation musr back down and yield
ro a tenth-ratc narion as c¡uickly as
People, ir seems, are inreresred in
rhe common good only as much as ir
alfects them. And because leaders in
chis sociery are responsible ro people,
out go mosr priorities. Compromise
is rhe rule rachee rhan rhe exceprion.
Ecological concerns are roned down
ro meer rhe needs of big business and
so on.
Dilemma Leader s Face
This year Senaror McGovern wenr
before che nation as the candidatc of
change, the champion of rhe discon–
tenred - much as R ichard Nixon did
only four years earlier. But rhe presi–
denr that takes the oath o f office rhis
J anuary wi ll face exactly che same
PLAIN TRUTH November 1972