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Who Wi/1 Bring
Troubled World?
Wi/1 this
U. S.
elections herold
o "new
beginning" for the human roce?
dimension in leodership colled for if
is to
probably even
before you pick up chis maga–
zine and read chis anide
-anorhcr Presidencial elecrion will
have rakcn place in rhe Uniccd Srarcs.
Once again a lcader will be selecred
for che world's mosr powcrful oflice, a
morral vesrcd wich virrually immortal
rcsponsibili cies.
The "Logic" of Pol itics
le scems only a shorr rime ago rhat
was fílrcring rhrough rhe excired
crowds ar one of che convenrions rhar
would choose a candidare for Presi–
denr of rhc Uniced Stares.
As che gavel pounded, calling for
ordcr in rhe midst of pandemonium,
1 couldn't help but wonder how a
man possessing rhe serene digniry. rhe
calm logic and rhe decisiveness
needed for che unrold pressures of che
Whice House could possibly be pro–
duced out of chis specrade of confu–
PLAIN TRUTH November 1972
survive his
Richard C. Peterson
And inevirably I wondered jusr
how "democracic" rhe American
democracic strucrure of governmenr
really is. Do che pcoplc rcally selecr
their government head? Cerrainly
these delegares 1 mingled wirh on che
convemion floor could nor possibly
reflecc che divergent wishes of all che
people they were picked ro represenc.
And, roo, chey were influenced by
compromises and back-room agree–
menrs becween che candidares.
Bue che biggest quesrion of all was,
could che man who would come
forrh out of rhese convenrions ro win
rhe elecrion in November make good
on his expressed dcsircs ro unire che
pcople, ro lead mankind inro an era
of peace and prospcriry, ro bring an
suffering and ignorance?
Promises nave been made, bur then
rhey've been made before.
Whar is ir rhar has kepr world
leaders from bringing ro pass whar
rhey had so confidenrly promised
before being acruall>· saddled wirh che
What che P resident
W ill Face
Prodigious amounrs of dollars and
time are spent in election years.
Borh che incumbenr and chal–
lenger focus rheir heavily organized
etforrs roward hitting on che major
"issues" of che momenr. Each candi–
dace develops a stand on each issue,
hopefully sarisfying as many interese
groups as possible and making him–
self more ''elecrable" rhan his oppo–
nenr. These srands help co make up
che official party "plarform," ratified
ar rheir respective convcntions.
This ycar concern has cenrered on
che agonizing years-long American
involvement in Vietnam, scill sim–
mering in many vorers' minds despice
the gradual wirhdrawal of ground
forces from rhc barde zones. Chal–
lenger McGovern has called for
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