and keep growing in your abilities
and skills in your chosen field. The
more difficult you are ro replace, rhe
less likely you are ro lose your
Don'r just prepare until you get
rhe job. Grow on the job - keep on
scudying and developing in skills,
abiliries.and a deep undersranding of
che problems rhat might come up in
your profession or industry.
Think ahead. Anticipare new
trends within your field. Subscribe
a n·ade journal or professional maga–
zine ro keep you abreasr of che grow–
ing developments wirhin your field of
Be cooperative and zealous on the
job. Srrive ro please your foreman or
boss by doing the job his way - afrer
all, thar is bis responsibiliry. Show
your willingness ro go beyond whar is
required of you on rhe job. W ork
extra hours, if necessary, ro complete
a cerrain job your employer wishes
Remember thar good personal rela–
rions on rhe job is one of che besr
forms of employment insurance yet
invented. Do not be a flarterer or a
hypocrite in any sense. Have concern
for your employer, your foreman and
your fellow employees in every way
possible. This is more imporrant rhan
you realize.
A recenr news dispatch revealed
chis srarrling finding of a business
psychology expert: "Nine our of ten
workers who will be fired chis year
will lose their jobs because they can'r
adjust ro che job siruarion and ro rhe
personaliry rrairs of bosses or fellow
workers. Only ten percenr will be
fired because rhey can't do rhe rasks
required by the job."
Your personaliry and friendliness
and cooperation on the job will counr
for a grear deal in your ability to hold
a good job. Do your pan - enthu–
Vital "Key" to Financia!
And now one final "key" ro true
financia! securiry rhar thousands of
PlAIN TRUTH September-October 1972
you have probably been overlooking.
Millions of financially successful
men and women pracrice - ro sorne
exrenc ar leasr - mosr of rhe seven
laws of success. (If you have nor yer
read our scintillaring bookler by rhar
The Seven La-ws of Success,
for ir immediarely. It's free for che
ashng.) However, very few individ–
uals recognize and obey che viral sev–
enrh law - conracr wirh God. And
pare of chac law is a financia! principie
chac rhe Crearor God has ser in
motion jusc as surely as He has ser in
morion che law of gravity.
This law is God's eterna! law of
This law is real because Almighry
God made it and sustains ir. Ir is as
real and cerrain as rhe laws of physics
or chemistry.
Buc jusr whar is a "cirhe"? sorne
The word "tithe" is merely an old
English expression meaning
Bible rerminology. it is rhe
"tenth" of your income.
The principie of chis law was
undersrood even before God made
His covenant with ancienr Israel. For
Abraham gave "rirhes" ro Mekhize–
dek, God's represenrarive, long before
the nation of lsrael carne inro being
(Genesis 14:20).
Lacer, God gave the law of tirhing
ro the physical nation of Israel. "And
all che tithe of the land, whethec of
che seed of rhe land, or of che fruit of
che cree, is rhe Lord's: ir is holy unto
rhe Lord. . . . And concerning che
rirhe of the herd, or of the flock, even
of wharsoever passerh under the rod,
rhe renth shall be holy unro rhe
Lord" (Leviricus 27:30, 32).
God designed rhac chis full
che nacional income be given ro His
representatives in rhar age, che Levíti–
ca! priesrs. "And, behold, 1 have
given rhe children of Levi all che
renrh in Israel for an inheritance, for
rheir service which they serve .. ."
(Numbers 18:21).
Under che New Tesramenr, rhe dis–
posicion of the tithe was changed so
rhar it now goes to rhe spirirual
priesthood of Jesus Chrisr rarher rhan
co the physical priesrhood of Levi
(Hebrews 7 :12).
In very plain language,
Jestts Chri.rt
taught tithing.
Nocice carefully Jesus'
words: "Woe unto you, scribes and
For ye pay rirhe
of mine and anise and cummin, and
have omirted rhe weighcíer marters of
the law, judgmenr, merey , and faich:
chese oughr ye
have done, and
to leave the other
(being fairhfuJ in
(Matthew 23:23).
Yes, in the New Testament, Jesus
Chrisc is quored as saying people
should nor neglect or fail ro observe
God's law of rithing. You are going
deprive yoursdf of financia! happi–
ness if you do.
you obey God's financia! law,
He directly promises that He will
bless you financially. Hundreds of
rers pour inro our offices around the
world restifying ro chis very facr. For
a full explanacíon of God's law of
tithing and irs benefirs, write ímmedi–
arely for our free booklec
Ending Your
Financia/ Worries.
And so, for guaranteed financia!
securiry, be sure rhat you do your pare
in every way ro get and hold a good
job. Get wise counsel and help from
rhose who are truly inreresred in your
Go che "extra mile' ' in finding a
job and really work at ir. Pur your
besr fooc forward, show chat you
mean business in doing rhe job
When you do get employmenr,
keep growing on che job - studying
- becoming a man very difficulr ro
replace. Remember the human ele–
mene and develop good personal rela–
rions with your fellow workers and
As Jesus Chrisr said, fail nor
render ro your Maker His ficst tenrh
of your income and generous offer–
ings besides!
Then you will be assured of the
only real financia! securiry possible in
che difficulr years rhar lie ahead. O