aged. Remember, you are in good
company. Many highly paid execurive
and rechnical experrs lose rheir jobs in
che recent recession and sorne are srill
looking for employmenr jusr as you
Go che " Extra Mile"
As you seek employmenr, be zeal–
ous and enrhusiascic in making each
con cace. If you have analyzed yourself
and are reallr interesced in a panicular
employrnenr, demonsrrace
rhar interese in che way you go afrcr a
When you approach a prospecrivc
cmployer, pur your bese foot forward.
Realizc rhac chis man cou ld become a
friend of yours and rhar you may in
rhe furure share many happy hours in
associarion wirh him and ochers in his
business. So pur a genuine smilc on
your face. As you go, dress well -
dress appropriarely - for rhe particu–
lar rype of employmenr which you are
seeking. Don't look dowdy, run–
down, or indifferenr. Show a real zcal
in gerring rhe job. Ler him know you
are ready ro work hard.
Bur in all of chis, be sincere. Don't
rry ro "pur ir over" on anyone. On
rhe orhcr hand, don'r be afraid ro
show sincere interese in rhe rype of
work for which you are applying and
in gcrring and working ac the job in
A Successful Man
Unl ike Joe, whose experience
appeared ac che beginning of chis
article, Harold was a man who
learned how ro gec and hold a good
job. He srarced out as a farmer and
rancher in rhe Rocky Mounrains of
Colorado. After moving to che Los
Angeles. California arca, he had ro
make a complete break with bis for–
mcr occupation and find a new field
of employmenr. Harold cook hard
rhoughr before making a decision. He
reviewed his previous work expcri–
encc and derermined rhar while on
che ranch, he had done considerable
construction and building.
He enjoyed thar kind of work, so
he ser himself ro find suirable
employmenr in che consrrucrion
rrade. He knew rhar he had
redouble his erTorrs, noc only
find a
job, bur also ro qualify
job while orhers might be Josing
rheirs. He knew rhar he had ro make
himself virrually indispensable ro his
employer - ro becomc so valuable a
worker rhar bis boss couldn'r afford
lec him go.
Harold worked hard and planned
ahead. He srudied bis rrade and
dcveloped skills connecred wieh bis
work and even becamc a firsr aid
insrruccor. As his skills improved, he
became a supervisor and had orher
men working under him.
This man became a success
ing himself. by improving himself on
che job, and by serring a good
example of puncrualiry and orderü–
ness. ow he is so comperenr ar bis
work rhar he would invariably be che
Jase man ro be terminared by bis
employer and rhe !irse man hired
somewhere elsc! Whilc orher men
lose their jobs and havc ro go looking
for work, Harold remains sceadily
employed and able
supporc his
Whar is che dirTerence berween
Harold and Joe? There are many dif–
ferences - bur among che mosr
imporranr are rhcse: whereas Joe
flirced from job ro job and never ser–
rled clown, HaL"old was consistenr. He
was serious about his woL"k. He
selecred his occupation wirh care. He
rhen improved himself in rhar line of
work ro rhe poinr where he became
an invaluable employee.
Now consider whar kind of person
you are. Are you more like Joc? Or
more like Harold?
When ralking wirh a prospective
employer, be posirivc like Harold.
Don'r say: "1 guess you wouldn't
have any opening for me. would
you?" Thar's negarive.
Rarher. rell him abour the faces in
your own words - expressed some–
ching like this:
like chis kind of
work, and 1 am prepared ro go ·all
out' in making a success on chis job.
am sure you can find an opening for
me because 1 ha\'e prepared long and
hard for this type ofwork.
am ready
ro do my urmosr ro produce as much
as possible for you and rhe company."
Remember rhat your interese, y01.1r
friendliness, and your personaliry may
in sorne cases counr as much in ger–
ring che job as your accua1 rraining
and abiliry. So feel your besr - be
alerr - and go ·•aiJ our" ro get a job.
Then be sure you apply chis principie.
Don't be a lazy job hunrer. Make a
' 'job" our of gerring a job. \Xfhar do l
mean by rhis?
1 mean rhat when you srarr our
hunring a particular job, you should
ger up early and cirher arrange inter–
views or pound the pavemenr every
day during working hours unril you
ger rhar job.
Eirher plan ro eac in a restaurant
on rhe way, or cake a sack lunch wi rh
you so rhar you can keep ar ir
rhroughouc rhe enrire eighr- or nine–
hour ·•work day" in which you
should diligently look for employ–
ment. lf you are in an execurivc or
profcssional field, use rhe rime
writing lcrrers and sending our
Don'r wasce rime! Don'r sir and
brood ar home and feel sorry for
yourself. Gcr our and hustle!
Remcmbcr rhac if you are seeking a
higher rype of employmenr. you mar
need to write lerrers ahead of
arL"ange interviews. You may need ro
make rclcphone calls for chis purpose.
You can make fifreen or rwenry celc–
phone calls for every visir ro individ–
ual business esrablishmenrs. Keep ar
ir. Don'r give up.
Hold That Job!
Once you ger a permanent job.
how can you be sme of holding ir in
rhe uncerrain years ahead:>
Firsr of all, you should hecd che
advice given earlier in chis arcicle. Pre–
pare yourself by special training and
educarion for che rype of job which
jusr ··anyone" cannor fill .
sure you
do chis. Thc Crearor God has given
you a mind. Use ir - develop ir -
PLAIN TRUTH September·October 1972