Page 1417 - 1970S

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is the hub
of o new commerciol and in–
dustrial colossus. A good per–
centoge of Europe's trode
with the world is tronsacted
through Rotterdam harbar
(shown obove), the lorgest
port in the world. At far left, o
modern petrochemical plant il–
luminates the night neor Gel–
senkirchen, West Germony.
Europeans are olso seriously
challenging the dominonce of
the United Stotes in the oero–
spoce industry. Picture ot neor
left shows model of sophis–
ticoted jet tronsport, plonned
by o consortium of three West
Germon oircroft builders. Two
nomes on the sign - "Mes–
serschmitt" ond "Junkers" -
ore very familiar to Allied pi–
lots of World Wor 11.
Abo,... Henderson -
Ploin Truth
Plo1n Truth
1/ight: Hennig
Plo.n Truth