Page 1416 - 1970S

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all manner vessels of ivory, and al l
manner vessels of mosr precious
wood, and of brass, and iron, and
marble, and cinnamon, and odours,
and oinrmems, and frankincense, and
wine, and oi l, and fine flour, and
whear, and beasrs. and sheep. and
horses. and chariors, and slaves, and
souls of men....
"Thc merchanrs of rhese rhings,
which were made rich by her, shall
scand afar off for che fear of her cor–
menr, wceping and wailing....
'·For in one hour so grear riches is
come ro noughr. And every ship–
master, and rhe company in ships, and
sailors, and as many as crade by sea,
scood afar off.
"And críed when chey saw che
smoke of her burníng, sayíng. Whac
cicy is likc unto chis greac ci ry!
"And chey case dusc on rheir heads.
and cricd. weeping and wailíng, say–
ing, Alas, alas, rhar greac ciry, wherein
were made rich al! rhar had ships in
rhe sea by reason of her costliness! for
in one hour is she made desolare....
"And che voíce of harpers, and
musicians, and of pipers, and rrumpe–
rers, shall
heard no more ac all in
rhee; and no crafrsman. of wharsoever
crafr he be, shall be found any more
in rhec; and rhe sound of a millsrone
shall be heard no more ar all in rhce"
(Rev. 18:10-22, KingJames Version).
Will hisrory say chis of che new
Etiropc? Can she avoid a conflict with
orher superpowers as she herself rises
ro superpower scarus? Will Europeans
learn chis rime ro use cheir coming
worldwide power and influence juscly
and fo r che good of all nac ions?
Or will rhis new-formcd powcr be
abuscd, leading ro nuclear war and
desrructíon? Wíll so grear riches
come ro noughr "in onc hour"?
Never before che nuclear age could
such a prophecy come rrue - rhe
urter devascarion of an empire ·'in
one hour." The nations have a terrible
choice bcfore rhem - wherhcr ro
choosc che way of peace and concern
for ochcrs - or che way of greed,
selfishness and war. Europc - and che
world - musr