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abour who has committed che most
arrocities and who should possess rhe
Jand of Palestine. These useless argu–
ments have produced nothing bur
more harred and srrife. The guesrion
should be approached in a differenr
way. The Palesrinians musr look at
rhe siruarion realisrically. They must
not go on leading a relarively useless,
unproducrive life, jusr ro prove rhat
rhey havc been wronged.
The bese cxample for che camp
dwellers co follow is that of rheir own
peoplc. As mcncioned earlier, many
thousands of Palestinians have re–
settled clsewhere, and rhey are pros–
peri ng. We are not advocaring rhar
rhe Palesrinians should leave their
own people and culture ro reserrle, far
from ir; che Arab counrries have
ample room. Libya, for example, has
an acure shorrage of manpower, and
Israel prot•ided training for a refugee–
run ora11ge growing and parking oper–
atirm in the Gaza strip.
ir is a very rich country. grossing $2
bíllíon a year from oil rcvenues alone.
r eüher are we advocating rhat rhe
Palestinians should abandon
claims ro lose propenies.
Look ar the J ewish R efugees
The half million or so Jewish refu–
gees from Arab counrries have re–
setrled in Israel. The Israelí govern–
ment doesn't have rhem in renrs ro
demonsrrare ro rhe world rhar rhese
people losr propercy ro rhe Arabs.
The Arab's polícy of kecping rhc
PaJesriníans in renrs in pase years, by
admíssíon of Arab leaders rhemsclvcs,
is a grear ínjusticc.
The False Deliverer
When Nasscr carne on che sccne in
che: early fifties and promiscd ro re–
gain Palestine for che Palesrinians, rhe
refugees really rhoughr rhcir long
awaired Saladin had finally come ro
liberare rhem. As ir rurned out,
Nasser merely used rhcm ro rally
Arab supporr for his dream of a
Unired Arab Republic, which he
hoped wouJd srrerch from the Adan–
ríe ro che Persian Gulf.
Nasser led the Arabs into rwo di–
sastrous wars wirh rhe Israelis. Now
he is gone and no one has claimed his
mande, yer.
T he True Deliverer
It is interesting co note rhat rhc
book which is rhe cenrer of rhe
Arab's Moslem religion, rhe Koran,
prophesies rhat in che end-rime,
Ch rist, nor Mohammed, will come
back ro rhe earrh ro ser everyrhing
right. The Christian New Testament
reaches che same rhing.
That is rhe whole poinr. The
Middle Eascern conflict necds Jesus
Chrisc, che Prince of Peace, ro finally
usher in peace.
Ir is unlikely char King Hussein's
plan will ever come ro fruicion. Nei–
rher does ir seem likely char che Arabs
and Israelis will see eye ro e}'C. There
is only one alternarive. The Prince of
Peacc is che only answer. •