Page 1331 - 1970S

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Those Palesrinians who believe in
che all-or-nothing policy have been
looking for sorne sort of deliverer
who would cake chem "back home"
ro Palesrine. When you rhink of ir,
they are in Palesrine, wherher ir's
Gaza or the West Bank of cheJordan
River. But somehow chey have the
dream of a borne back chere where
everyrhing was jusr fine, "unril che
J ews rook it from us."
The facr is rhar many of rhese refu–
gees have never even been rhere! They
were born and have lived al! rheir
lives in che camps. They simply heard
from che " old rimers" rhar rhey be–
long in Palesrine and they should al–
ways look ro rhe day when they can
recurn. In che meanrime, they are sic–
ting around in their cenes, mulciply–
ing and degenerating. Whac che real
refugees need now is ro wake up ro
che reality of che sicuation. Palescine
is now history. Israel is in the Middle
stay, and the only logical solu–
tion is
educarion and relocarion
in che neighboring Arab counrries,
sorne of which are more than capable
( rhanks
che oil revenues) of ab–
sorbing them with case, if chey really
There are sorne legitimare claims
- on borh sides - ro lose lands and
properties. These should be sertled,
but unril rhey are, rhere is no point in
waiting for sorne Saladin ro drive the
Jews inro che sea.
The Arab nations don't have a chance
of defeating che Israelis militarily.
Mohammed Hassanein Heikal, che in–
fluencia! editor of che Cairo news–
and a confidant of
Sadac, cold Egyptians in March of chis
year ro forgec abouc an all-out war
with Israel and rhat che only alrerna–
tive now was a political serrlement.
Heikal wenc on ro say that che Arabs
do not have the required military
power ro dislodge Israel from even
che smallest rown in Sinai or che Go–
lan Heights.
Arab leaders acknowledge chis
quite freely. War will not accomplish
anything conscructive but will further
complicare che sicuarion. And as in
che pase, more Arab territory would
probably be Iost.
If che Arab wodd wancs ro avoid a
great debacle, chen it's high rime che
real faces behind che Palescinian ques–
tion were discussed freely.
For over cwo decades rhe Arabs
and the Israelis have been arguing
The Jordanian gov–
ermnent has ptvvided
heatth clinics for Pai–
estinians. The refu–
gees living in jordan
are treated as citizens
and are provided with
vocationai training
and other services.
Some refogees have be–
come seifsupporting.
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