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ligious leaders on both sides willing
to undertake this imperatíve program
to tear clown the partitíon of prej–
Parental responsibility goes one step
further. Parents must cease giving up
their chi ldren to the mobs, as all too
many now do. The Bible, which both
sides of the sectarian Ulster dispute
as the source of their religious
beliefs, exhorts: "My son, if sinners
entice thee, conseot thou not. . . . For
their feet run
evil, and make baste
to shed blood" (Proverbs
Tt's up to parents at all times to
know where their ch iJdren are and to
exhort them
stay away from mob
Once the central issue of prcjudice
and group hatred ís repented of, it
will be easier
advance to secondary
matters such as civil rights and e<¡ual
economic opportunities. To deal with
the latter while not solving the former
is futile.
Finally, Catholics and Protestants,
in the South as well as in the North,
must look into the Book that they
both claim
be the source of their
respective beliefs in order to see
whether their cherished traditions are
what that Book really says.
The Bible contains iostructions on
how to live. Christianity, remember,
is a way of life. The Bible, too, ex–
plains the real meaning behind today's
world problems. (The first trial lesson
of the
Ambauador College Correspon–
dence Cotme
deals with this very sub–
ject. Why not enroll for a free tria!
lesson now and come to understand
what life is all about ?)
The people of Northern lreland still
have the opportunity to take these
positive steps toward peace in their
war-torn land. But time is very short.
And the alternative to building peacc
is a calamitious civil war, which need
not occur! •
think it
horrifying when people
befo,-e the age of
have mllr–
dered Jomebody"
British Army
o!Jicial in Northern lreland.
Po1on Pic/011, 8/acJ; Star
PlAIN TRUTH June 1972