Page 1119 - 1970S

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Solution Through
Lifestrle- SYIAIOI
Synanon, located in Santa Monica,
California, and seven other North
American cities, is the origin of the
"lifestyle" drug cure. Such lifestyle
changes have proveo to be the only
workable solution to heroin addic–
tion through a change of environ–
ment, and a change in personal
Founded in 1958 by ex-alcoholic
Chuck Dederich, Synanon grew from
half a dozen former alcoholics
and "dope fi.ends'' to a community of
nearly 2,000 men, women and
Until a couple of years ago, aJI but
10% of Synanon's members were ex–
heroin addicts or ex-alcoholics. Since
then, the number of "lifestylers"
(people who join Synanon to parti–
cipate in its program, not to get
help) has increased to about 20 per–
cent of the total. "Dope fiends" (so–
caBed by themselves) are still the
main beneficiaries, though. Synanon
draws bundreds of addicts montbly,
and hopes to double its permaneot
ex-addict population eacb year.
What is the result of Synanon's
Synanon has the largest number of
ex-drug addicts living voluntarily
"clean" in the world. Over 90 per–
cent of those people who complete
the Synanon program
never ret11rn to
dmgs .'
Better yet, those same 90%
grow in job skills, personality, and
happiness toward making a positive
contribution to society. In Federal
drug dinics, the percentage is re–
versed - 90%
return to drugs!
But Synanon is not a "half-way"
house for helping addicts back to
their feet - and back to the street.
lt is a "full-way" house. Those ad–
dicts who desert Synanon - espe–
cially before
years - usually
return to drugs and an addict life–
style. Synanon attempts to keep all
reformed addicts and alcoholics
within the new lifestyle - as lead–
ers, examples, and even directors.
Eventually, Synanon wants to
rebuild an agracian society for ex–
dope fiends. They recognize the basic
evils of the city, where most addicts
Jearned their deadly habit. In To-
males Bay, Cali fornia, Dederich and
his "brain trust" are ptesently pre–
paring a model community and
ranch to provide a more perfect soci–
ety for Synanists.
In the meantime, most Synanon
lifestylers and dope fiends operate in
a city within a city. Chapters in
Detroit, New York, Los Angeles,
Oakland and San Diego operate
within a few miles of the heroin
pushers. But in most cases, group
pressure from their own Synanon
mini-society keeps them away from
"the street."
The Synanon lifestyle cure has
been attempted by many offshoot
groups, with excellent success.
Synanon has proved that the only
solution to drugs is the creation of a
new society and new types of
citizens. They have seen outside soci–
ety and its governments fail them, so
the Synanon addicts
solving addiction.
This magazine does not necessarily
endorse all aspects of Synanon's ap–
proach. But we recognize
non has been successful in helping
individuals to overcome heroin.
Simply put, Synanon's methods
bring individuals into obedience to
basic laws that govern human snc–
cess. Synanon has pointed out the
basic character weaknesses in human
beings which cause undisciplined
and immoral behavior. And they
have pointed the individual toward
certain laws of behavior which guar–
antee a larp;e measure of success and
happiness in
In fact, there is
more real success in the lives of
Synanon's ex-dope addicts and ex–
alcoholics than there is in the lives of
many of the "Establishment's" rich–
est - but most miserable - people.
you would like an in-depth
understanding of the basic laws
wh ich guarantee
success in
life, please write for our free book–
The Seven Laws of Sttccess.
booklet graphically explains these
principies - seven of them - and
shows their important interconnection
yottr life.
Write to the address
nearest you for your free copy. See
staff box, inside front cover.
KilbcJm -
Am~ssador Coll~e
The dope addict enters Synanon in the
throes of heroin withdrawal. Synanon ad–
ministrators are ex-"dope-fiends," so they
understand the addict's discomfort but
they don't coddle him. Addicts "kick"
publicly on the couches in the main foyer,
receiving 24-hour help and encourage–
ment from the "Owl Watch."