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“Above all that you guard KEEP YOUR HEART
He proceeds to explain
“. . . for out of it are the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23,
This Scripture not only speaks of what you permit to come into your mind that can cause
it to self-destruct from the ever-present evil that comes from many sources such as:
wrong thoughts that lead to evil plans, porn, drugs, etc. (
Choose the Good and Live
Our lives are before us, both present and future, to make of
them what we choose – and know, always there are the choices
to accept or reject by all people in everyday life.
By choosing right choices one can be sublimely happy with all the good things in life; but
on the other hand making wrong choices will bring unhappiness, frustrations,
loneliness, sufferings and ultimately death. This our Creator God makes known:
“See I have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil; . . .
therefore CHOOSE life, that you and your seed (
) may live”
(Deuteronomy 30:15, 19).
This should enable everyone to see very clearly why God continues to say to each
“Weigh carefully the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established”
(Proverbs 4:26).
Looking forward to being born again into the Divine Spirit Family of God depends on
what the true Christian will be doing during the remainder of his or her physical life
with their God-given minds—whether he or she is ruling over them with the aid of God’s
Holy Spirit of Power—or failure to exercise restraint and then experiencing the
While considering all of the foregoing writings in previous chapters of this book together
with this final chapter, should lead one and all to truly appreciate and value the minds
with which God has graced us.
It must be emphasized that above all possessions one might have—the one that should
be appreciated, enjoyed, and rightly educate is your most precious possession—