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Chapter 13
Above All that You Guard
Your Heart (
hough some of the dangers to the mind have already been made known, there are
many other grave dangers that can cripple or destroy your most precious possession –
your God-given mind
The MIND is far more precious than
any amount of money one could
possibly earn in life from contact
sports, such as: football, boxing, hockey
whereby the brain is subjected to
irreparable harm.
This also includes bare-
knuckle fist fights, and any
other form of hard blows to
a person’s head that must
be avoided if at all possible.
Without the use of a healthy, vibrant, active MIND, a person is no more than a vegetable
- one that has to be constantly cared for and led around by other people.
That is why it is so extremely important to each person to heed the instruction from God
to protect this very special and precious blessing from the ever-present dangers to
human life: