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This will bring about the beginning of the
Great Tribulation
and Jacob's trouble
(Matthew 24:21-22; Jeremiah 30:5-7).
Three and one/half years later will begin the
Battle of
(Joel3:2, 12-16)
that will bring this present age
to an end
(Psalm 2:1-12; Revelation 11:15-19; 19:11-21).
And if Jesus Christ did not intervene at that precise time, the
happen, the destruction of mankind and the planet earth would be turned into a
smoldering mass
in chaos and confusion with darkness and water covering the once
(similar to Genesis 1:2-10).
Thank God that Jesus Christ is going to intervene at that precise time and keep this from
happening. Biblical prophecy makes this coming time, and thereafter, very plain.
The holy Bible is the only place that one can know the advance news of the future that
cannot be obtained from any other source
(Isaiah 42:8-9; 45:9-10).
And God reveals
this advance news to His prophets and apostles
(Amos 3.'7-8).
They in turn make it
known through their preaching and writings (
In the interim, we pray,
"Thy Kingdom Come" (Matthew
To be continued with chapter 4.
It reveals the computer age was foreseen from the
beginning of mankind's creation for prophecy made known there would be
a knowledge
at the end-time.
It must continue to be emphasized the quotes and pictures above are intended for educational purposes
only; nothing published is for sale, all is freely given.
Entire contents copyrighted. The Church Of
God. All Rights Reserved. The copyright subsisting in material quoted in this publication and trademarks
appearing in this publication belong to the respective owners thereof and no claim of ownership therein is
made by The Church of God Faithful Flock.