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see the many advancements taking place in the computer age from that time unto now
has been bewildering to say the least!
From the Internet:
"Though the computer was some years in its development it was not
until 1964 when the concept of modern day computing was born when the IBM
System/360 was born. The computer was compatible with the previous versions of older
IBM computers of all sizes."
It was in 1969 that the Apollo
spacecraft by the use of computers and microchips
enabled astronauts to be launched by a Saturn V
Rocket and guided to the moon; and man,
for the first time stepped down on the
moon and walked on it.
Virtually all of the modern world saw this take place
on television and were aghast to see a man actually
walking on the moon! The world would never be the
From the Internet:
The "computer age" would be
more accurately termed the Internet Age. Internet is
really the big thing that spurred the ubiquitousness of the PC, and I'd say that by '95
(1995), it was really underway."
The computer with its microchips has continued to make
further progress by making possible the technology to
direct a rocket-propelled missile, with the guidance
systems built within them, the inertial navigation
supplemented by either GPS of mid-course updates, to
direct nuclear warheads precisely to their pre-assigned
targets regardless of distance at astonishing speeds.
And a number of nations have those nuclear warheads
and the capability to deliver them on those their leaders
consider to be their enemies.
Except for the foretelling of end-time Biblical prophecy, one can foresee the nations,
headed by power-hungry dictators possessing the Nuclear Bombs would destroy himself
along with the planet earth.
The Demise of Israel and Nations
With end-time prophecy in mind it can easily be seen the House of Joseph will be
destroyed as nations by the
Revived Holy Roman Empire
by the use of rocket–
propelled missiles with their nuclear warheads in a
Blitzkrieg Nuclear Attack
12:20; 7:14)!